Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Conium, Crotalus Horridus and Drosera


A. F. Unsatisfied or suppressed sexual desire; Emotional excitement; disappointed love.

Paralysis spreads from below upwards. Lower part of body gives way before the upper. VERTIGO in old age; or worse turning the head to left; amel. closingthe eyes. Vertigo especially when lying down or turning in bed.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium and Graphites


INTERMITTENT FEVER : Chill at: 9 a.m. one day, at noon the next day; accompanied by thirst and INTENSE ACHING IN ALL THE BONES, as if they were broken. This is followed by HEAT and an increase in the aching; and this by scanty or profuse SWEAT. – INSATIABLE THIRST beforeand during the CHILL and FEVER – Knows the chill is coming because he cannot drink enough.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Ipecacuanha, Kali Bichromicum and Kali Carb.


In all diseases with constant and continual nausea. Haemorrhage, active or passive, bright red from all the orifices of body Cough dry, spasmodic, asthmatic. Difficult breathing from least exercise; violent dyspnoea with wheezing and anxiety. Whooping Cough, child looses breath, turns pale, stiff and blue, with vomiting of mucus or bleeding from nose.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Hepar Sulph, Hypericum and Ignatia


Oversensitive physically and mentally. Peevish, angry at the least trifle. The slightest injury causes suppuration. Extremely sensitive to cold air. Cannot bear to be uncovered. Takes cold from the slightest exposure to cold air. Sweats profusely day and night on every exertion, physical or mental.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Ledum Palustre, Lycopodium and Magnesia Carb.


Punctured wounds by sharp pointed instruments, as nails; rat bites, stings of insects, mosquitoes. Long remaining discolouration after injuries; “black and blue” places become green. Sticking, throbbing tearing pains. Contusion of eye and lids with extravasation of blood.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Kreosotum, Lac Caninum and Lachesis


Children old looking, wrinkled. Painful dentition; teeth decay as soon as they appear. Spongy, bleeding gums. Vomiting of pregnancy with salivation. Haemorrhagic tendency; small wounds bleed freely (Crot.h., Lach, Phos.). Enuresis during first sleep (Sep.) from which child is roused with difficulty. Post climateric diseases of women (Lach).

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Magnesia Phos., Medorrhinum and Mercurius Sol.


Pains, cramping, shooting, lightning-like (Bell) worse cold air better from external heal.Spasms during dentition, No fever (with fever, hot head and skin : (Bell).


For persons suffering from gout, neuralgia, rheumatism and diseases of the spinal cord, even organic lesions ending in paralysis – which can be traced to a sycotic origin. Children pale, rachitic; dwarfed and stunted in growth (Bare); mentally, dull and weak. Mentals : Always anticipates, feels matters most sensitively before they occur and generally correctly.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Opium, Petroleum, Phosphorus and Phosphoric Acid


Painlessness with nearly all complaints. Complains of nothing; asks for nothing. Useful when well-indicated remedies fail to act due to lack of susceptibility. Sleep heavy, stupid with sterterous breathing, red face, eyes half-closed; skin covered with hot sweat. Bed feels so hoi, he cannot lie on it. Digestive organs inactive; peristaltic motion reversed or paralysed.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Sulph., Nitric Acid and Nux Vomica


Anger over trifles. Worse from consolation. Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences. Hatred of those who offended. Young girls who become love-lorn or fall in love with married men. Cannot weep in grief Ailments from grief, or disappointment in love.

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Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Podophyllum, Phytolacca, Psorinum and Pulsatilla


Gurgling through bowels; then profuse putrid stools gush out painlessly. Stools white like water; foaming with meal like sediment. Loquacity during chill and fever. Headache alternates with diarrhoea.

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