Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Hepar Sulph, Hypericum and Ignatia


Oversensitive physically and mentally. Peevish, angry at the least trifle. The slightest injury causes suppuration. Extremely sensitive to cold air. Cannot bear to be uncovered. Takes cold from the slightest exposure to cold air. Sweats profusely day and night on every exertion, physical or mental.

Cough when any part of the body is uncovered. Croupy, choking strangling Asthma, anxious breathing, wheezing, rattling, threatens suffocation. QUINSY when suppuration threatens; chronic hypertrophy with hardness of hearing. Skin affections extremelysensitive to touch. Sensation of splinter, or fish bone, in throat.

The slightest injury causes suppuration. Unhealthy skin. Every little wound suppurates.Boils or abscesses where there is much throbbing and sticking pain. EARACHE with great sensitiveness to external contact, out of proportion to actual pain. Chronic otorrhoea. Felon around root of nails.


For injury to parts rich in sentient nerves – fingers, toes, matrices of nails palms or soles where the intolerable pain shows nerves are severely involved, when the pain SHOOTS UP THE LIMB? The pains are excruciating, pains from injured, or crushed part tend to travel upward.with a tendency to LOCKJAW. Hypericum removes the effects of local shock and preserves the vitality of torn or lacerated members nearly separated from the body.

HEADACHE after a fall upon the occiput with a sensation as if being lifted up into the air. Bunions and corns when pain is excruciating, showing nerve involve*ment. TETANUS after traumatic injuries. Ledum for punctured wounds from a nail, or splinter in the flesh. Will prevent the occurrence of ulceration. ARNICA for bruised soreness of the flesh.Hamamelis for bruised soreness if VEINS. HYPER, for bruised soreness of sentient nerves. For prostration and cold breath after surgical operation : Stront. carb.


Bad effects of GRIEF, worry, Disappointed love. Broods in solitude over imaginary troubles. Excitable, Quick to perceive, quick to execute (reverse Puis). Mild, gentle refined; bears suffering, even outrage without complaining Chief remedy for hysteria, introspective, non-comniunicative. Easily offended. Easily disturbed by slight emotion. Sobs silently with deep heavy sighing.

The remedy of great contradictions. Roaring in ears better by music. Piles better when walking. Spasmodic laughter from grief. Thirst during chill. Heat without thirst. Cannot bear tobacco.

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