Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Apis and Argentum Metallicum


Aggr. from all forms of heat, even heat of bed. Thirst less-ness in nearly all complaints. Pains burning and stinging. Scanty urine. Oedematous bag-like puffy swelling under the eyes (over the eyes : Kali.c). Urticaria, large, rose-red, amel. cold applications.

Child : Very restless jealous of other children; will not share toys, or allow mother to be touched by other children. Retention of urine in NEWBORN. CRIES OUT IN SLEEP AND KICKS THE COVERS OFF. DIARRHEA DURING DENTITION. Ulceration of navel in NEWBORN. Involuntary diarrhoea from every motion, as if the anus was wide open. Respiration : Panting; feels as if every breath would be his last. Difficult inspiration. Asthma from hives, (urticaria).

Female : Ovaries: heaviness, hardness; TUMOUR-RIGHT sided. Threatened miscarriage in the fourth month (from incompetent Os). Mind: jealous, restless, fruitlessly busy (like a bee). Piercing shrieking in sleep (Cri Encephalic).


Affects the cartilages, tarsal, ears, nose, Eustachian; the structures entering into joints. Hoarseness of professional singers; public speakers. Total loss of voice of professional singers. Throat sore on swallowing.

Laughing excites cough. When reading aloud, has to hem and hawk. Crushed pain in the testicles worse when pressed upon. Singing.

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