Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Alumina and Anthracinum


Constipation of sucklings; in children on artificial food, or bottle fed babies. Passes stool easily when standing (Caust.). Craving for indigestible things, coarse food. Stool like sheep dung; difficult though soft. Potatoes disagree. WORSE : on alternate days : during full and new moon.

Constipation : no desire for and no ability to pass stool (inactivity of rectum) until there is a large accumulation. Diarrhoea when she urinates. Has to strain at stool in order to urinate. FEMALE : Leucorrhoea acrid and profuse, running down to the heel; (Syph). Worse during daytime; amel. by cold bathing. After menses exhausted physically and mentally, (scarcely able to speak).

Inability to walk except with eyes open. Eyes : Paralytic drooping of eyelids (Caust. Gels.). He feels as if he was walking on CUSHIONS. Tottering and falling when closing eyes. Time passes too slowly; an hour seems half a day. Sad thoughts constantly crowd upon the mind. Everything is viewed in a sad light. Sense of constriction from pharynx down to stomach, as if food could not pass.


In carbuncle, malignant ulcer and complaints with ulceration, sloughing and intolerable burning. When Arsenicum or the best selected remedy fails to relieve the burning pain of carbuncle or malignant ulceration.

Blood tar-like, rapidly decomposing oozes from various parts (Crot.hor). Septic fever with delirium and fainting. (Pyrog). Bad effects from foul odours of putrid fever. Gangrenous ulcers, felon, carbuncle, eryaipelas of a malignant type. Suspicious insect stings. Horrible burning pains.

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