Pranic Healing: Mantra to Manage Stress

Life is a struggle, Stress is its consequence, and Progress is its outcome. But, whenever, our body/mind system is worked beyond its natural Biological Limits, it generates ABNORMAL STRESS which we denote in this chapter as “stress” by eliminating the word abnormal from it. This stress has many dimensions. It can be due to the sudden emotional shock, like the death of a very dear relative which time alone can heal or crying soon after the Sad Event may somewhat lessen the shock stress.

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Develop Immunity Against Cancer and Aids

Immunity is like the God in the healing process of our body. A constant war is waging between the everpresent or invading disease germs / viruses and the Immune system. As soon as our immune system becomes weak, the disease germs multiply at a fast rate to make us ill. The four mantras given below are complementary.

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Treat Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases

How sad we feel when the first wrinkles appear on our face. These wrinkles indirectly indicate the development of many more wrinkles in our brain’s intercommunication channels. It also indicates the inadequate supply of oxygen/glycogen/nutrients to our brain/memory system. Our brain’s demand on oxygen is about nine fold more than other organ of the body. Though, we take immediate steps to apply anti wrinkles cream on our face and also get face lifts done through Beauticians, but we totally ignore to feed or care for the brain.

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Improve Thyroid and Strengthen the Mind and the Heart

Strengthen the thyroid and the mind

The word AHANM’ which means’ Myself is one of the simplest stress dissolving breathing mantra. Also, it re-establishes the dignity of self esteem/ self healing in us, because we love ourselves the most.

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Improve Your Body and Mind

Exhale with = IMPROVEMENT
Inhale with = VAPRAMMANT

(i) It is a total body/mind rejuvenating breathing mantra. The word MANT or MENT stimulates the memory/brain/mind with M (Crown chakra), N (BROW chakra) & T (Taste Endings in the brain) and also Yokes us with superconsciousness with MAN.

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Strengthen Digestion, Swasdhishtana Chakra and to Attain Bliss

Strengthen the Digestion

During stressful condition, the sympathetic endocrine system diverts the blood from the digestive organs to save the brain, thus starving the digestive organs of oxygen and nutrients. In order to restore the digestive processes to normalcy.

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Boost Immunity and Restore Equilibrium of Mind

Boost Your Immunity

Immunity is like the God of healing in our body. Make Immunity your breath.

(i) Exhale with = IMMUNITY HEALING.

(ii) Exhale with = IMMUNITY BOOSTING.
Inhale with = SABATANAMMONG.

(iii) Exhale with = IMMUNITY PRESERVING.

The mantra ‘Immunity’ – strengthens the total mind with words M, N and T. and boosts our Immune system by stimulating Pituitary & pineal glands.

Life Style Changes

In order to cope up with daily stress, we have to make life style changes in our life and rise above ‘FEAR’, so that no stress arises. For this, we have to lead a life of Sat, Chit and Anand i.e. a path of truth and blissful existence i.e. to live a life of Satyam (Truth), Shivam (Godliness) and Sunderam (Beauty) and as the poet Keats has said “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever” and if you are healthy, joyful and stress free, you are the most beautiful person for yourself to enjoy this beautiful world.

For this
Inhale with = SACHA-ANAND
Exhale with = NEESH-CHINT.

The inhale mantra – ‘Sancha Anand’ means pure bliss and it strengthens eyes with the help of seed word ‘N’ – our eyes being the most harassed sense organ of our body. This mantra also strengthens the brow chakra and the pituitary gland with its seed word ‘N’.

The exhale mantra ‘Neesh-Chint’ means that now I am absolutely carefree and stress-free and fearless and the above suggestive mantra thus goads us to live a truthful, stress-free life without any anxiety.

This is the seed mantra for endowing BLISS.

Restore Equilibrium Of Mind

Nothing in this world is in perfect equilibrium or moves in perfect circle. Even the earth moves around the sun in an elliptical path like the electrons moving around the nucleus of an Atom. Thus, we should accept the slight craziness or disequilibrium of other person. Make ‘equilibrium’ your breath.

Exhale with = I AM IN – EQUILIBRIUM

This is also a complete body/mind rejuvenating mantra and will thus help to restore equilibrium in our body/mind system. This is the seed mantra for Management of stress.

Another suggestive breathing mantra to quieten the mind is :-

Exhale with = I AM QUIET
Inhale with = YATA KAMMAN

The inhale mantra, with the resonant sonic vibration of M stimulates the pineal gland to calm our mind and also by yoking us with superconsciousness with the word MAN.

Pranic Healing: Mantra to Stress Related Digestion Problems and to Invoke Divinity

Stress And Digestion

Stress can disturb our digestion while impending danger can cause diarrhea is well known and can become the cause of stomach ulcers. Even normally, the oxygen/glucose demand of brain is about nine fold more than other parts of the body but in stressful condition, the sympathetic brain system immediately orders to divert the blood supply to heart and the brain in order to save itself from damage, while the digestive system is asked to wait till the stressful situation is over. The use of word ‘R’ in any one of the above breathing mantras helps to strengthen the Abdominal secretions, the liver, the pancreas and the adrenal glands to restore them to their normal state. A very suggestive and potent breathing mantra to restore digestion is :-

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Meditate, Control Anger and Ease Relationships at Office and Home


Meditation is the ultimate method to still our agitated mind and thus get rid of stress when we focus our thought on a single object so that the thought becomes mono-directional, and coherent and ultimately we can silence our mind. For meditation, we can also make our thought move alongwith the breath, as it traverses various chakras. Make the thought move alongwith the breath as it starts from the bottom of spine with the word SH and take your thought to the crown chakra with M. It is called Vipasana Meditation, as advocated by Lord Budha. For this.

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Pranic Healing: Mantra to Remove Depression, to Enjoy yourself and to Bring About Cohesion

Mantra to Remove Depression

To remove depression and bring about brilliance in your mind :-

Inhale with = ALLA BRAMMANT.

In the above mantra, the word ‘L’ helps to illumine our BEING by kindling the divine kundalini and the word M,N & T help to strengthen the MIND and remove depression. The word ‘BR’ plays it big part in removing depression by helping to breathe fully from both abdomen with R and lungs with B and experiments have confirmed that total breathing from abdomen and the lungs helps to dissolve depression, because it fulfills our abdomen with pranic energy, because abdomen is called the second brain of our body.

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