First-Aid: Kitchen Safety Precautions


A kitchen commonly has sharp knives that can hurt, boiling water or hot food that can scald, and water spills or fruit peels upon which an unsuspecting person can slip or fall. Inflammable materials such as gas, kerosene, matchboxes, cooking oil etc. are also stored in kitchen making it potentially the most danger prone area in a house.

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First-Aid: Precautions with Children In Crowded Areas

When going out of the house, specially to a place where there are likely to be many people as in wedding parties, religious celebrations, etc. attach a tag with the name, address, and telephone/fax number of the child on his dress. This will help the people/police restore your child to you should he get separated lost.

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First-Aid: Spoiled Food, Chopping and Cutting, Freezer Food, If Burnt and Plastic and Glass Containers


Most cases of food poisoning occur because the food is not suspected lo be spoiled as it does not taste or smell bad. So be sure about your food quality.

Continue reading First-Aid: Spoiled Food, Chopping and Cutting, Freezer Food, If Burnt and Plastic and Glass Containers

First-Aid: Precautions with Extension Cords and Electric Appliances

As we all know, electricity is a good servant but a real bad master. While it can be used to provide comfort in various ways (light, heat, cooking, transport, communications, etc.), any slight misuse or carelessness is likely to cause a shock or a fire, both of which can result in serious injury or even death. While life without electricity is unthinkable, its improper use could even make you loose your life.

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First-Aid: Precautions with Toys

Children need toys as much as they need parental love. However, before buying a toy, some thought should be given to the kind of toy to buy, depending upon the age of the child, so that the toy to buy, depending upon the age of the child, so that the toy will not only be fun but also safe. Toy industry sources agree that making toys safe will not increase the cost to the consumer. What are needed are toy safety laws as well as a consumer movement to ensure their enforcement.

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