First-Aid: First-Aid During a Fire Hazard

Fire safety features have to be strictly designed into buildings especially high-rise ones. Hence, architects, structural engineers, construction people, interior designers, city authorities, and the owners of buildings should all be interested in precautions against fire. They should follow all the applicable building codes and approved practices.

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First-Aid: Precautions While Using Tools and Insecticides

With increasing technological progress, the services
of mechanics are becoming more costly and also
difficult to get. Hence, many people prefer to do their
own household repairs. This requires the use of tools
some of which are sharp and heavy, and some of
which are electrically operated. Adequate precautions
need to be taken for the safe and proper use of these

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First-Aid: Safety Measures for Riding on Two-Wheelers

Though motorized two-wheelers provide speed at a low cost, they do not provide safety. A two-wheeler accident usually proves more damaging and more expensive than one on a bike or in a car. To reduce the frequency and severity of accidents, one should follow all the defensive and safety procedures.

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First-Aid: Picnic, Bon-Fire and Kite Flying – Play It Safe

Everyone loves picnics in the stressful ‘Modern’ life. A picnic is a wonderful way to relax and spend time in natural surroundings. It involves delicious food, fun-filled games and sometimes, a campfire. If you keep in mind a few precautions, the fun and joy will not be spoiled by an accident.

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First-Aid: What Should One Giving First-Aid Do?


1. One should be a good observer, able to note the cause and effects of the injury.

2. He should be able to act quickly.

3. He should not panic or get excited at a critical time.

4. One should be resourceful, able to use whatever things are available.

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