First-Aid: Tepid Sponging, Cold pack, Ice Bag, Hot Water Bag and Eye Wash


Sponging is the process in which the patient’s body is cleaned with soap and wet cloth while the patient remains in bed. Ordinary sponging is never required by the first aider, but tepid sponging may be required. It is done so as to reduce the body temperature in cases of high fever. The method is as follows.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Influenza and Fever


It is a common virus infection characterized by running nose, cough, sore throat and sometimes fever or pain in the joints. There are constitutional symptoms like malaise and body ache. It reduces body resistance to other infections, so that serious disorders like ear infections, sinusitis, and pneumonia may develop.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Toothache, Pain in Abdomen, Vomiting and Diarrhea


It is usually due to dental neglect resulting in dental caries. When the tooth decay reaches the canal in the root of the tooth, nerve endings get irritated and cause pain. An abscess may form around the apex of the root and cause further pain. The tooth may also hurt when its outer coating is worn off and hypersensitive inner part is exposed. In such cases contact with cold or very sweet substances produces pain.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Hiccups, Constipation, Indigestion and Obstructed Hernia


I lire ups occur due to spasms of the diaphragm, which divides the abdomen from the chest. They are commonly due to eating or drinking too much or drinking carbonated beverages in large quantities. They can also be due to diseases that irritate the phrenic nerve that supplies the diaphragm. There are so many hiccup remedies. They all work when the hiccups are ready to stop anyhow. Hiccuping lasting for days is exhausting.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Dysentery, Asthma, and Allergy


It is characterized by passage of motions with blood and mucus and can be mild or severe. It can be acute onset and short duration, or chronic, lasting for many days. It is caused by infection with ameba or bacilli. It may be due to conditions like chronic ulcerative colitis and also due to consumption of contaminated food.

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First-Aid: First-Aid for Alcoholic Hallucinations, Unconsciousness and Fainting


It is an acute toxic state that follows a prolonged heavy drinking. Hallucinations are perceptions of sensations that do not exist. The conditions is diagnosed by the following features.

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