Pranic Healing: Mantra for Becoming Taller

Growing taller is the greatest obsession of children between the age of 13 to 18 years – the age when the children become taller every day to reach the full height potential which is mostly controlled by the inherited genes. However, some height can be added by taking good nutrition and the will – power to increase the height and some hormonal stimulation which we can achieve by strengthening growth – glands like pituitary gland with N, and Thyroid gland with H, and the sex glands – the Mulandara chakra to give strength and length to the legs with the word ‘L’.

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Pranic Healing: Mind Nourishment Mantra

It is the innate nature of Mind to engage itself in some pleasing activity or the other. Once the mind is free, it can become naughty and a devil’s workshop and can make hell out of heaven and heaven out of hell. So, the best Way to nourish the mind, besides its craving for nutritious and tasty food is to keep it nourished with some useful activity and motivated with fruitful endeavours. All this is conveyed beautifully by the inhale mantra – “SDA-RAMANNA”, which means always totally involved in pleasing pursuits.

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Pranic Healing: A Salutation Mantra ‘NMEESTAI’

“Twenty Claps a Day Keeps the Heart Physician Away.”

The English speaking people and Europeans greet each other with a warm handshake, partaking each other’s warmth in their hand. The Muslims usually greet each other with a Hearty Hug, while we Hindus greet each other with salutation in the form of folded hands which we call Nmeestai. It literally means – I bow to Thee in Salutation with all my mind and heart.

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Pranic Healing: Health Improvement Mantra

Our investment in our health is our best investment and the yogis are able to store pranic life energy in their brow chakra (N), located between the two eyebrows, wherein is located the 3rd eye of Lord Shiva or the single eye of Christ. Its seed word is N and by it sonic resonant vibrations, it strengthens all the conscious organs of our brain. And the following mantra helps to move the dormant kundalini energy into the brow chakra (N) and crown chakra (M) with the power of the words S & V.

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Pranic Healing: A Mantra to Strengthen Gums and Salivary Glands

The persons who discover something new, I call them fluorescent people, just as in a fluorescent tube, the invisible radiation becomes visible. And use of this word ‘Fluorescent’ as mantra for exhaling the breath also brings shine on our face. How?

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Pranic Healing: A Mantra to Cure Eye Diseases

Sky is the limit for the man to scale any heights. It is man’s ingenuity that he has reached the moon and returned home to the earth safely again and again. The Word Asman’ means ‘Sky’ in Urdu/Hindi Language, and is a good inhale mantra to develop the left brain (N) and the right brain (M) of a person & together the words N&M resonate with their sonic energy with the pituitary & pineal glands respectively, which direct the total glandular orchestra in our body, thus keeping our body/mind healthy for any challenging task. And the word ‘AS’ helps us to breathe from the bottom of our legs and the total inhale mantra Asman helps to take the the breath to the top crown chakra(M) through the brow chakra (N).

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