(1) There can be NO AGGRAVATION of symptoms if the remedy is not repeated too often. Yes, if there is MEDICINAL, aggravation, it will be short-lived, and will pass if the patient is left alone. But aggravation of the DISEASE is prolonged and in that event there is urgent need to take the case and change the remedy in accordance with the new symptoms.
(2) If the symptoms come back without any essential changes, give the same remedy in a higher potency -one or two doses and wait.
(3) If the symptoms change and new symptoms come up, take the case again and prescribe another remedy on the basis of the new indications.
(4) Hering’s “Laws of Direction of Cure” should be remembered. It says : When the remedy is acting curatively, the symptoms are relieved
(a) from within outwards, i.e., the mind and other more important organs, like the lungs, heart, etc. are relieved first and relief in the periphery follows next;
(b) from above downwards, which again means that the more vital organs which occupy a higher level like the brain, heart, lungs, feel the relief first; and
(c) the symptoms are relieved chronologically in the reverse order of their appearance – the latest symptom is the first to go, then the one which preceded it, and so on.
If the symptoms “contravene” this direction of cure, the remedy is not acting curatively and the case should be taken a fresh, and a new correct remedy administered.
So long as the symptoms are following the “proper direction of cure” do not interfere, don’t change or even repeat the remedy.
Every prescriber must closely study the following valuable observations of the masters so that he may attain a high level of competence in treating patients. They have been borne in mind in preparing for treatment
Dr. H.A. Roberts has said (Principles and Art of Cure by HOMEOPATHY): The character of a drug is represented not by a single effect but by a GROUP OF EFFECTS… We must not fail to recognise the value of the symptoms and this must take into consideration the CHIEF COMPLAINT, those symptoms of which the patient most often complaints PLUS the Peculiar Characteristics of the patient.
If we can find a remedy that has “the more striking, particular, unusual and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case and if IN ADDITION IT covers the CHIEF COMPLAINT as well, we may consider ourselves as having a sound basis for the prescription of the simillimum.
Dr. E.J. Lee : Each remedy has particular symptoms which taken together collectively surely indicate that remedy. Take Lycopodium for instance; it has a group of symptoms which taken together can always be relied upon to indicate that remedy, though each individual symptom of this group is to be found under other drugs.
One can scarcely fail to se,e what remedy even these few symptoms call for : Aggravation from 4 to 8 p.m., symptoms going from right to left, especially the throat, fanlike motion of the alae nasi, clear urine depositing red sandy sediment, backache before urination, a full, bloated feeling in the abdomen after eating a little.
Dr. Margaret Tyler summarises the PICTURE of Bryonia thus : “And now, to sum up…. If you ever get a patient with severe stitching pains, worse for the slightest movement, worse for sitting up, better by pressure, very thirsty for long drinks of cold water, very irritable, angry and not only angry but with suffering increased by being disturbed mentally or physically; white tongue; in delirium “wants to go home” (even when at home), busy in his dreams, and in delirium with his everyday business, you can administer Bryonia and BET ON THE RESULT.”
Dr. Margaret Tyler observes, once again : If you are so skilful or lucky as to get TWO OR THREE invaluable symptoms, your work may end there. For, turning up the drugs that caused these symptoms, you may find in one of them a COMPLETE PICTURE of the patient’s case, disease and all (Different Ways of Finding the remedy).
Finally, a few words of the great master, Dr. J.T. Kent : “It is sometimes possible to abbreviate the anemnesis by collecting ONE SYMPTOM, the KEY to the case, but this should be seldom attempted. It is often convenient (and safe) to take a GROUP OF THREE OR FOUR Essentials.