First-Aid: Ensuring Safe and Quick Transportation

1. The objective of transportation is to enable the victim to reach the destination without deterioration of his condition.

2. Do not move a severely injured or ill person unless there is immediate danger to his life or skilled help is not available. That is because moving a casualty may result in aggravation of his or her injury or condition.

3. Do not presume that a victim can sit or stand without support.

4. If it is possible to wait, it is better to leave the victim undisturbed and send for help. If there is risk of exposure, the victim may be moved to a sheltered place while you wait for help to arrive. If the victim is to be shifted to a hospital, arrange for an ambulance or a suitable vehicle.

5. If there is a risk to your life at the site of the mishap, move the casualty as quickly as, possible without endangering you life.

6. The method of transportation depends on the nature and severity of injury, the distance to be covered, the facilities available, the condition of the road of transportation, and the victim’s build.

7. Confirm that everyone involved understands the steps involved in transportation.


If a proper method of lifting is used, even a critical victim can be lifted without undue strain for the first aider. The basic principles of lifting a victim are as follows.

1. Use the most powerful muscles of your body for lifting e.g. muscles of the thigh, hip and shoulder.

2. Keep the weight of the victim as close to your body as possible.

3. Keep your back straight and head erect. Do not bend your back as you can hurt yourself. Bend your knees instead.

4. Hold the victim close to your body using your shoulders to support the weight.

5. Use your entire upper limb to strengthen your grasp on victim’s body.

6. If the victim begins to slip from your grip, let him slide slowly and gently to the ground without causing further damage to the injured area. Do not try to hold him up at any cost, because you may injure your own back in that process.


Method – Features

Carries for one first aider

Cradle method – It is used when the victim weighs less or is a child. Carry the victim comfortably from below the shoulder and knees with the hands.

Drag method – It involves pulling the victim along the ground without lifting him. It is used when the victim is unable to stand and must be moved quickly from a source of danger. Fold the victim’s arms across the chest and crouch behind his shoulders, grasp the armpits, cradle the head on your forearms and drag him along the ground.

Human crutch – It is used to support a conscious victim who is able to walk with support.

Stand at the victim’s side. Injured side is preferred. Place his nearest arm around your neck and hold it with your free hand. Put your other arm around his waist and grasp his clothes at the hip. Give him a walking stick for additional support.

Fireman’s lift – It is used to move a conscious or unconscious child or a lightweight adult when a hand has to be kept free. Help the casualty to stand up. If the casualty is unconscious or unable to stand, turn the casualty face down and stand at the head. Place your arms under his armpits and raise him on to the knees and then the feet. Grasp his right wrist with your left hand. Bend down with your head under his extended right arm so that your shoulder is level with the lower part of his abdomen. Allow him to fall gently across your shoulders. Place your right arm between or around the his legs. Stand up, taking his weight on your right shoulder. Gently pull the victim across both shoulders. Hold his right wrist with your right hand leaving your left hand free.

Pick a back – It is used if the victim is small, light, conscious and able to hold on to you.

Carries for two first-aiders

Four handed seat – This method is used to carry a conscious casualty who can use one or both upper limbs to hold. Stand facing each other behind the victim. Make a seat by grasping your own left wrist with your right hand, and your partner’s right wrist with the free hand. Stoop down. Instruct the victim to sit back on to your hands, to place his arms around your necks to steady him.

Two handed seat – This method is used to carry a victim who is unable to assist the bearers in his transportation, e.g. a hand fracture. Squat facing each other on either side of the victim. Pass your hands nearest the victim under and around the back just below his shoulders, grasping each other’s wrists or the victim’s clothes. Raise the victim’s legs slightly, pass your other arms under the middle of his thigh and grasp each other’s wrists. Rise together, step off with the outside feet and walk as usual.

Fore and aft carry – It is used when there is no sufficient space for the use of a chair. It is used to move the victim on to a chair. Supporting the victim on both sides, help him to sit up and fold the arms across his chest. Go behind the victim and place the arms through and under his armpits and grasp his wrists. Get the other first aider to remain at the victim’s side and place one arm under the thighs. Lift him on to the chair together.

Chair method -It is used when a conscious victim with no serious injuries is to be moved up or down stairs or along a narrow passageway. Place him on a sturdy chair and secure him in position with broad bandages. Stand facing each other, one in front of him and the other behind him. Hold the back and the front legs of the chair and carry him.

Blanket lift – It is used when the victim is lying on a blanket or a bed sheet. Fold it on both sides and lift up the victim by holding the corners of the blanket. Place him on a stretcher.

Improvised method – Open the buttons of the victim’s shirt. Openthe flaps of his shirt and catch their corners.Get other helpers to hold his head and legs. Then lift and carry him to a stretcher.


These chairs are usually kept in many schools, workplaces, and shops and are used for moving casualties along passages and up and down stairs.

Method :

1. Unfold the chair.
2. Test it by pushing down the seat, to check that it can support the casualty’s weight.
3. Confirm the following things.
• The canvas seat and back are not showing signs of wear and tear.
• The wheels move freely.
• The safety strap is secure.
• There are no signs of any other damage.
4. Place the casualty in the chair.
5. Secure the safety strap over his arms.
6. Put his feet on the footbar.
7. Get a helper to support the chair’s back so that it does not topple backwards along with the casualty.
8. Explain the procedure to the casualty.
9. Tip the chair backwards gently. Push it forwards carefully, maintaining safe speed.
10. Take corners widely to prevent the chair from overbalancing.
11. Do not pull the chair, as it may cause the chair along with the casualty fall towards you.If there is a step or an immovable object in the way, use the following method.
• Stand behind the chair.
• Face it towards the top of the steps.
• Get your helper to sit a few steps down, facing the chair.
• Tip the chair backwards gently. Push it forwards so that the wheels are on the edge of the steps.
• Ask your helper to squat down and grasp the handles or footrest. Let him control the lift.
• Pick up the chair together, your helper straightening his legs as he lifts the chair.
• If you have to rest in the mid-lift, use the landing rather than the steps.
• If going up the steps, use reverse procedure.

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