First-Aid: First Aid for Bee Bite, Wasp Bite, Ticks and Mites Bites


Bee and wasps are the most harmful amongst all insects. Their stings have poison in small quantity. Some people could be very sensitive to this poison and develop severe reaction to it. The condition is diagnosed by the following features.

1. There is severe pain locally.

2. Itching and swelling develop around the central reddened puncture point.

3. Sting may be found in the wound.

4. Persons hypersensitive to the poison in the sting develop severe reaction characterized by fall in blood pressure and respiratory difficulty due to swelling in the throat and contraction of the windpipe. The victim may become unconscious, develop anaphylactic shock and may die if not treated in time.


1. Remove the sting with tweezers, held as near to the skin as possible. An alternative method is to rub the skin in the affected area gently, so that the skin puncture enlarges a little, and the sting comes out along with the poison around it. Do not squeeze the poison sac because this will force the remaining poison into the skin.

2. Apply ammonia, soda or methylene blue locally as antidote for bee venom.

3. Apply vinegar or lemon juice locally as antidote for wasp venom.

4. Apply a cold compress and spirit locally to relieve the pain and swelling.

5. For treatment of swelling caused by insect stings inside the mouth or throat, give ice to suck. Ask the victim to rinse the mouth with cold water or solution of water and bicarbonate of soda.

6. Place the victim in recovery position if breathing becomes difficult. Shift him to a hospital immediately.


Ticks are found in jungles. It is a small insect like a bed bug with a great capacity to stick to the body and suck blood. It spreads germs of certain diseases like Rocky mountain spotted fever and tularemia. Mites are found in wood and stored grains. Their bite can cause typhus fever.


1. A tick or a mite stuck to the skin should not be pulled out forcefully as that may result in its mouth parts remaining behind and cause severe inflammation. If it gets crushed, the germs carried by it will enter body tissues. Touch it with the end of a burning cigarette. Then it comes off very easily. An alternative is to apply kerosene, turpentine, or some oil.

2. Wash the wound well with soap and apply a dressing

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