Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Pyrogen, Rhus Tox, Ruta and Sabina


For all types of septic states (Puerperal, surgical, ptomaine or sewer gas infection), when blood is disorganised, heart becomes weak and muscles prostrated; when the best selected remedy fails to relieve. The bed feeis hard, the parts lain on feel braised. Great restlessness; must keep on moving to relieve the soreness.

Discharges horribly foul (menses, sweat, vomitus, body odour. Foul breath. Tongue large flabby, fiery red; Tongue clean and smooth as if varnished. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of proportion to temperature (A Keynote). Septic fever : Chill begins in the back, extremities, marks the beginning of septic fever (104 to 106 F) when the best selected remedy fails to relieve. Loquacity, and a sense of duality during fever.


Bad effects of getting wet, esp. after being over-heated. Ailments from straining or spraining a muscle or tendon, over-lifting. Adapted to persons of rheumatic diathesis.Great restlessness; must change position often to obtain relief. Worse beginning motion,better continued motion. Tongue dry, red, cracked with triangular red tip; takes the imprint of teeth.

Paralysis/paresis with numbness of effected parts, from getting wet, after parturition. Rheumatoid inflammation of joints. WORSE : Cold, wet, rainy weather; Cold bathing BETTER: Warm, dry weather by heat in general; Craves cold milk. Disagres ice-cream. Averse : Meat.


This remedy has prominent action in the periosteum, especially due to injuries and their effects. It causes bruised lame sensation all over as after a fall – Worse in ankles, wrists and joints. Eyes : Aching in the eyes with blurred vision from over-exertion of eyes, Or complaints of refraction. Eyes burn, ache, feel strained; hot like balls of fire.

Phthisis after mechanical injuries to chest. Prolapse of rectum on attempting a passage; after confinement; frequent unsuccessful urging. Pressure on bladder continues after urinating. Warts, sore, painful, flat, smooth on palms of hands.


Drawing pain in small of back from sacrum to pubes in nearly all diseases (from back, going round the body to pubes : Vib.op). Tendency to miscarriage esp. at the third month. Ailments following haemorrhage, flow partly pale red, partly clotted. Worse fromleast motion, often relieved by walking ; pain extends from sacrum to pubes.

Promotes expulsion of moles or foreign bodies from uterus (Canth). BETTER: from cool, fresh air. Retained placenta, intense after pains.Menses profuse, bright. Gouty nodosities, red, shiny swelling; worse heated room.

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