Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Spigelia, Stannum, Staphysagria and Stramonium


Child : Stammering due to worms. Headache at sunrise, at its height at noon, declines till sunset. (Nat.m, Tab). The eye on the affected side often runs clear water. Headache is generally one-sided (left) (Right side : Sang., Sil). Left-sided neuralgias of head, face and eyes; Worse cold, rainy weather. Rheumatic affections of heart with stitching pains with palpitation violent, visible and audible; systolic blowing at apex. Valuable in chronic valvular affections after acute attacks of heart. Can only lie on the right side (Phos.,Nat.m.) or with head very high. Worse least motion.


Faint, weak esp. when going downstairs (can go up). Neuralgic pains increase graduallyand then gradually decrease. Great weakness in chest; worse talking, laughing; so weak unable to talk. Empty sensation in chest. Colic better from hard pressure (Colo). Passes worms. Nausea and vomiting from the odour of cooking food. So weak, she drops into a chair instead of sitting down. Ulceration of ear-ring holes.


Suffers from wounded pride and honour, but suppresses his indignation. Easily offended. After cumulative suppressed anger bursts out in anger, throws things at those who offended; trembles and becomes red in face. Lascivious, but does not show it; masturbates. Teeth turn black, decay is soon as they erupt. Children ill-humoured, cry for things which after getting they petulantly throw away.

Burning in the urethra when not urinating. Valuable for incised, clean cut surgical wounds. Dysuria in newly wed brides (Stretched sphinters) Styes on upper eyelids. Warts cauliflower like. Will cause disgust for tobacco.


A remedy for high-grade delirium; and FEARS of all types. Terror of darkness; of being alone. Fear of death; pupils widely dilated; stares at persons in terror. Child awakes terrified, knows no one, screams in fright and clings to those around. Loquacity; speech incoherent. Weeps and PRAYS. Beseeching; entreating. Delusions of all sorts, absurd, fantastic, of animals, of fire of ghosts.

FEAR from DELUSIONS. Violent effects : of typhoid; of convulsions, haemorrhages; septic states. Painlessness of complaints usually painful (Opium), (except hip-joint pain). Jerks head up from pillow and lets it drop back (in unconscious delirium). Suppression of all secretions. Fear of water (Hydrophobia) Stammering; has to exert a long time. Convulsions with consciousness, renewed by sight of bright light, mirror or water.

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