Homeopathy Medicines: Characteristics of Tarentula Hispanica, Teucrium Marum, Tuberculinum and Vipera


Extreme restlessness; must be in constant motion though motion aggravates. Runs about rather than walk. Hysterical: Twitching and jerking as soon as attention is turned to her. Feigns fainting and insensibility. Sudden fox-like (cunning) destructive efforts requiring utmost vigilance to prevent damage; followed by laughter and apologies. Unusuallysensitive to music which ameliorates all complaints.

Very mischievous and destructive. Sensitive to colours : attracted by or averse to red, green, yellow or black alternately. Sings and dances in tune with music until exhausted, then relieved of suffering. Female : Violent nymphomania. Pruritus vulvae intense, unbearable.


Itching of anus and constant irritation in the evening in bed. Ascarides with nightly restlessness. Crawling in rectum after stool. Crawling in nostrils with lachrymation and sneezing. Ozaena; loss of sense of smell.


When with a family history of ‘tubercular affections the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve without reference to the name of disease. Adapted to those who are tall, slim, flat, narrow-chested; active and precocious mentally, weak physically with tubercular diathesis. Physical : Symptoms ever changing (Lungs, brain, kidneys, liver) beginning suddenly, ceasing suddenly. Takes cold easily without knowing how or where. Emaciation rapid and pronounced.Losing flesh while eating well.

School girl’s headache worse even slight mental exertion (with TUB. history). Plica polonica (several cases cured) after Borax and Psor. failed. Chest : Tubercular deposit begins in apex of lungs (left). Female : Menses too early, too profuse and long lasting with frightful dysmenorrhoea. Eczema; ringworm; intense itching; worse night. Mind : Wants constant change; to travel, to go somewhere, to do something different (Calc. ph.). Fear of dogs. Desires cold milk. Aversion to meat.


Bursting sensation in blood vessels, esp. Veins, with unbearable pain. Worse hanging down of limbs. Must lie down with the limb elevated. Haemorrhagic. Varicose veins, ulcers. Annually return.

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