Juice Therapy: Therapeutic Properties of Garlic Juice

Use of Garlic in home preparations

In scriptures it is said that it is an offshoot of Nectar (Amritodbhava) and thus is a divine gift. It contains all the Rasas (Liquefied extracts), excepting alkaline extract. It is rich in mineral salts (1%), Protein (6.3%), Phosphorus (0.31%), Fat (0.1%). Besides this nutritive food value it is also rich in sugar, minerals, vitamins (AB and C) Iron etc. Its taste is pungent and gives out foul smell.

Due to its foul smell it is still not used by certain sections, particularly religious and vegetarian people. Particularly, it being one of the essential condiments of meats preparations, vegetarians shun to use it. Had garlic not been pungent, rich in volatile oil, quick to act and show favourable results, bereft of disulphates, it would not have been able to kill harmful germs which cause so many bodily ailments. Due to its pungent odour (smell) it must not be rejected as ‘Repugnant’ or ‘useless’.

Ayurveda speaks volumes about efficacious and medicinal properties of Garlic and out of six juices (Rasas), it contains five Rasas which are necessary to sustain body. Some myths and misplaced conceptions have been wrongly attached with use of garlic, viz. it is bad for human body because it generates undue heat and this, is unsuitable for use in heat/summer period. Many use it (in form of juice or pulp) as a basic ingredient.

If lemon juice is added to its juice it will make a complete ‘Rasayan’ (Tonic). its action is from within without (centrifugal), that by its quality of elimination, it destroys and throws out all toxins out of the body. It is totally wrong to align its effectivity with religion. It is said that human body is the source and vehicle for carrying out all the religious rituals. If body is ailing, none can think of praying to God and, further, a hungry man knows no religion, and to satiate his hunger, he can settle for anything.

So, to keep the body in healthy state, one must not allow his religious beliefs to stand in the way. Same is the case with onion which too, has pungent odour and is thus, not used in any preparation. A book, written by Swami Satya Dev Pariviyak, entitled Lahsun Badshah’ (i.e. ‘Garlic king’) has extolled various inherent and specific qualities of Garlic, along with its medicinal uses.

Properties of Garlic

It prolongs aging process, corrects worn out tissue and metabolism, cures Asthma, T.B, general debility, removes impotence. It protects body from outside invasive forces, it modifies certain cravings (of alcohol, tobacco use etc.), reduces blood cholesterol, remove impacts of dietary indiscreet indulgence, removes inflammation from joints and nurtures them to normalcy, it is a cleanser of foreign bodies; removes effects of overeating, removes obesity, said to be a boon ,n ‘Killer diseases’. In labour’s dietary menu, garlic is essential ingredient.

It makes one sturdier, provides immunity, fortifies defence-mechanism of body, provides all nutrients, maintains normal heat of the body, provides immunity from cough and colds. It purges harmful elements form the body. It opens blocked pores of the body, thus providing a way-out for sweat. It is purgative and also kills intestinal worms.

General use of Garlic

To those who have good health and also want to maintain good health should take a garlic clove (after removing its skin), in the morning, on empty stomach. If somebody does not like its bad taste/ pungent odour, it should be soaked in milk/water at night and swallowed the same (upto 2-3 cloves) as indicated above. To further enrich its qualities, its juice should be mixed with honey (say of 4-5 cloves). Some people boil 4-6 cloves of (after being peeled off) in about 400 500 ml. of milk.

When the compound thickness to is reduced to l/4th of total liquid it should be taken at night, before retiring to bed. (in hot, lukewarm or slightly cooled down form). Like Emblic Myrobalan, it is rich in so many medicinal values that, in a limited space, it is difficult to detail its advantages. Even the western world has also acknowledged its medicinal properties and uses. It is a tribute to our indigenous system of medicine that west has also yielded to its well-proven facts. Is it not a matter of much surprise that westerners are turning to vegetable diet but we, Indians, are switching over to what they have already abjured.

Garlic is a great germicidal, as it has ‘Allicin’ which can destroy even those germs which cannot be destroyed by even known antibiotics. If some cloves (shellots) of Garlic are put on a cotton-wool and inhaled, it will also destroy germs which are destroyed by powerful inhaled pungent order of garlic. As for sore throat, a few drops of garlic juice, taken with hot water, will remove the problem. In Migraine, drop a drop or two in each nostril of fresh juice of garlic and also apply its pulped content on the painful side of head.

In arthritis and other inflammatory conditions of joints and connective muscles, massage garlic juice, mixed with mustard or coconut oil, over painful joints. Also take daily kheor of garlic twice daily. In pruritis and abnormal itching of skin, apply its juice over itching portion. Its pure extract is too strong, it may be diluted or mixed with coconut oil, adding some camphor to it.

Caution: In sensitive persons, garlic, used in any form, especially if applied locally may produce itching, or burning. In certain persons, having excess of bile, it may further cause more flow of bile, So, those suffering from jaundice, biliary stones, burning sensation while, during or after urination, may have their symptoms aggravated. Do not exceed limitations of dosage, rather taper its dose or take it in diluted form. For pregnant women, it should not be used. It may also trigger onset of urticaria and ( Rashes on skin) other eruptions on skin, hence it should be treated with utmost care.

Garlic of single shellot is considered to be the superior in efficacy. If that be not available then ordinary variety, with many shellots, should be used. In case of any complication or reaction, consult your Vaidya/ Physician.

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