Juice Therapy: Therapeutic Properties of Tomato Juice

Tomato hardly needs introduction, as it is used in raw forms, in salads, cooked vegetables and meat, juice form raita, chutney, jams. It is full of Vitamins A B, and C and also is rich in potassium salt and iron. Even heat cannot destroy its vitamins and is useful and tasty, also adding to taste of other eatables with which it is added.

100 gms of Tomatoes contain water (93 gms) salt, (45.8 gms) Chlorine (38 gm), Vitamin ‘C (31 gms) Calcium (20 gms) Oxalic Acid (2 gms), Vitamin A’ (320 mg), Phosphorus (30 gm), Magnesium (15 gm), Sulphur” (24gm), Protein (1.9 gm), Fat (0.1 gm). In addition, it also contains Nicotinic Acid, Copper, Mineral salts etc.

Tomato is a blood purifier, invigorative, germicidal, appetizer, diuretic, carminative, increases RBC’s, stimulates circulatory system. It is stomachic, excellent cleanser of impurities, a vermifuge (killer of worms), helping the blood remain alkaline, resists diseases, cures liver and spleen disorders chronic fever is removed. It also removes Piles, forms an essential ingredient of most of food preparations, removes Nervous disorders, eye-troubles, Flatulence, Dyspepsia, Acidity, Heartburn, Dysentery and Diarrhoea Heart troubles, Nausea, Vomiting, Freckles and Black-spots on face, Appendicitis, Blisters in mouth, Diabetes, Thirst, T.B., obesity, Bleeding from gums etc.

Caution: In some persons, tomato juice may create irritation and cough and if, taken on empty stomach, may disturb digestive system in some persons. Those who have tendency to stone-formation in kidneys, urinary bladder, ureter, should not use tomatoes, in any form whatsoever. Its skin and seeds are considered more harmful because they are main culprits in destroying kidneys.

It is necessary to remind and repeat that juices of certain vegetables and fruits purify blood, increase blood circulation, help formation of new blood and also enrich it. If blood is flawless, it will generate in all other organs of the body necessary energy to, discharge their respective functions. Hence, for keeping the body in good humour, circulation of blood must be regular, proper and uninterrupted. If that is so, all organs will remain in order and function normally.

For anaemic, debilitated, run-down, pregnant, under-nourished, consumptive persons, tomato is a boon. Its juice is like divine nectar. It is full of pulp and water but .its seeds and skin do not melt even in hot water. To maintain and sustain health, one should take a glassful of water in the breakfast and, if some honey is added, it will provide energy, strength and vitality. Excepting the person (though quite few in numbers) who should abstain from its use, it must form a essential ingredient of diet for all age groups. Its juice will supplement iron-deficiency in a confined mother and a bed-ridden person.

It there is nausea, mix some lemon juice with tomato juice and to further fortify its utility-value, it may be’ mixed with carrot juice. Some people also use above admixtured juice with juice of beet. If juices of tomato, carrot, beet, lemon, peppermint, ginger are mixed, a renewed look and vitality could be provided to the body. Those, who cannot take juice of raw tomatoes, should take to soup thereof, adding a TSP of cream, ‘black salt and corn flakes to it makes it more tasty and nutritive. It is an excellent appetizer, when taken prior to lunch or diiiner.

It is claimed that a tomato, cut into two pieces, after being slightly heated, and pot. salt and black pepper smeared over it, will expel intestinal worais. Half-ripe tomatoes are beneficial in dysentery. For removal of tonpidity of liver, other liver troubles, dyspepsia and diarrhoea, half ripe tomatoes or their juice should be used. In addition, such a type of half-ripe tomatoes’ juice is preventive and curative of heat and sunstroke. For diabetics its juice is a boon.

Since it is a reservoir of vitamin ‘C, it can prevent and cure scurvy. Its juice will help do away with nervous breakdown and other nervous disorders. It is an excellent blood-purifier. It is a boon to confined, invalid and weak patients. Tomato juice sometimes creates irritations in the throat and those, who often have such a problem, should add some honey to it.

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