Juice Therapy: Recommended Juices for Treating Allergic Disorders, Adenoids, Asthma, Anorexia, Arthritis,Ascites, Amenorrhoea, Angina, Appendicitis and Arterio-Sclerosis

Allergic Disorders: Allergic conditions are caused by aversion, unsuitability or sensitivity to certain foods, weather conditions, pre-sence of excessive heat in the body, habitual and chronic constipation, certain psychic and emotional disturbances. Except margosa, treatment is the same, as suggested under ‘acne’ above. Avoid the allergy causing substances such as, extremes of cold, exposure to cold, sun and heat; dust; eggs, -meat, fish, prawn, chillies, beet, carrots. Allergy may manifest itself in the form of high fever, skin eruptions like pimples, itching (even pruritis), urticarea (netlle-rash), eczema, cough, cold, asthmetic problems, digestive disorders etc.

Adenoids: (mumps) This is an inflammation around and below the ear-lobe, with pain, redness and heat. Sometimes fever also appears. Young children are more susceptible to it, though other age groups are also not immune but they rarely are infected. Give juice of lime, orange, carrot and beet and keep the infected part neat and clean

Asthma: Arrested or painful breathing, due to accumulation of phlegm/mucus in bronchial tubes, as also rattling and wheezing sounds from chest, pain in lungs, attack coming in paraxysms, rendering thepatient exhausted and sometimes cyanotic also. The patient is neither able to breathe freely nor enjoy sound sleep, as the attack usually occurs at night (but rarely during day time) more so in winter and rainy seasons or dusty winds.

Juice of garlic, onion, carrot, orange, beet, spinach should be given— may be given in luke-warm form during winter, adding some honey to it, if needed. To induce sound sleep at night, a few cloves of ginger and shells of onion may be taken at supper-time also to avoid precipitation of extreme symptoms.

Anorexia (Appetite—loss of): It is an aversion to eat and if some food is hustled in, it remains undigested and there is gripe, gas, pain, rumbling in the stomach, with occasional vomiting or even diarrhoea. So, do not eat anything until and unless there is a true urge or true appetite. Juice of tomato, orange, garlic, lemon, mamielos should be taken.. Those having bilious tendency should avoid taking garlic, in any form, as also all irritants and toxins.

Arthritis: Pain in joints (large and bigger joints), swelling redness and fever, cricking and cracking voice while sitting /getting up or on any movement, gradual reduction in bonial spaces, especially of knee-joints,are some of the most prominent symptoms of arthritis (osteoarthritis) . Eating too much of starch, fats, sugar, meat, excessive accumulation of calcium (inorganic) in the cartilege of joints, diabetes, sedentary life or excessive exertion are main causative factors. Juice of lime, orange, garlic, lemon, margosa, bitter gourd are claimed to have ameliorated symptom’ of arthritis.

Ascites: It means accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, but with swelling which is painless. The abdomen gives a rumbling sound, gurgles and some of water movements is often heard by persons sitting nearby. Juice of papaya, mamielos, lemon, lime and tomato should be given to facilitate drainage of water and relief from other symptoms. The dose of juice cannot be specified, as requirement and frequency of its use will largely depend on conditions of the patient and his capacity to ingest and retain fluid, in addition to the fluid he already has.

Amenorrhoea: The term applies to cessation of (monthly) menstrual flow. The main causes are established proof of pregnancy, anaemic and weak condition, malnutrition, some mental and emotional upset, blind trauma. She may have even some pain in the back and also be restive and mentally agitated. Once normal flow is restored (if not all) most of the said complaints would disappear or, at least, subside. She should take juice of fennel or fig which is said to regularise menstrual flow. Lead an active and carefree life.

Angina: It is called pain in chest (left side, below left nipple, radiating (often) to left arm. Malfunctioning, poor circulation of blood, blood impurities, vulvular/muscular heart problems arterio-sclerosis (hardening of arteries), tension etc. are some of the predisposing causes. The patient bathes with perspiration, has difficult and laboured breathing, exhaustion, restlessness etc. as the symptoms, in addition to intolerable pain. Give juice of garlic, onion, lime, cucumber and garlic.

Appendicitis: It means inflammation of appendix which manifests itself in the form of right-sided pain in the abdomen, sweating, dizziness, vomiting, nausea.

Arterio-Sclerosis: This is a condition where arteries get hardened as they lose their elasticity, thus impeding flow of blood to heart, lungs, brain and other parts of the body, causing various obstructive cardiac (pathological) complications and blood pressure (high). Use of raw garlic (4-5 doses daily), juice of lime, orange, cucumber and onion, to ensure free flow of blood.

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