Reiki Healing: Whom to Treat with Reiki?

First, treat yourself. You are a Reiki expert and can be in as perfect health as your ego will allow yourself to be.

Second, treat family members. Normally, the family unit will have provided you with many benefits, and transmitting the health of Reiki is an excellent way to complete the exchange.

Third, consider treating anyone who asks. Asking is important, because Reiki is a system based on intent. The prospective client should express his intent for health by requesting the treatment.

Naturally, if the person is in coma, or an infant, or someone whose family asked for the healing or someone for whom you are responsible, it is appropriate to do Reiki.

By stating in your mind, “You are free to accept or reject this healing as you will”, you release the will of the client and do not impose your will upon them.

Be cautious in treating an accident victim you don’t know. In that case, it is legally advisable not to say anything about your healing ability. Simply attempt to administer Reiki in an inconspicuous manner which fortunately is very easy with Reiki.

Speaking of infants, don’t think babies, even foetuses, are too young to receive treatments. “Reiki just works Zing-0 on babies”, affirms Samdahl enthusiastically. “They have no barriers whatsoever. They are wide open to God’s love. And that’s what healing is; God loving us.”

Persons hospitalized or under conventional medical care, can also be treated with Reiki.

If the patient takes medication, instruct him to regularly consult his physician because as Reiki rebalances his body, the prescribed dosage might have to be lessened to avoid overdoses.

Do not diagnose illness and prescribe medicines unless you are an MD. Suggest rather than direct. Simply state what you’d do if you had the condition perceived, giving the patient the responsibility to assess its merits for himself.

It is also important to remember that you should never feel forced or obligated to heal someone, or guilty for not taking the time to heal whenever and wherever requested.

Don’t forget pets, animals and plants, they also have universal life energy, and Reiki works for them too.

“The big bonus with Reiki is that when you are treating someone else, you are receiving a healing at the same time”, says Mrs. Samdahl.

“One is never tired nor depleted after giving a treatment since we are using universal life energy, not our own.”

While healing is generally thought of in terms of living creatures, this universal life energy pervades all creations.

Therefore, you can consider applying Reiki in some rather unorthodox healing situations. WHAT to treat can become as vital a consideration as WHO to treat.

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