Modern Medicine: Stool Softeners

Cremaffin: If the above-mentioned agents fail to regulate bowels, take liquid Cremaffin to soften hard stools but it must not be taken regularly and habitually. First, continue with 2 TSP dose at bed time for 3-4 days but do not continue consecutively – giving a dose on each alternate day. Some patients pass loose motions which indicates softening of stools but, then the dosage should be reduced.

Liquid Paraffin : 3-5 TSP at night, but must not be taken regularly as it is a habit forming medicine. Use it also after operation of piles, knotty and hard stools, to remove tenesmus and pain. Its action starts after 12-24 hours, hence do not expect an instant or quick results.

Milk of Magnesia (Magnesium Hydroxide): Liquid Cremaffin contains milk of Magnesia and former is decidedly a better op¬tion. Usual dose being 2-4 gms. Its action starts after 2-6 hours. It may produce flatulence in some patients. Avoid using in chronic renal (kidney) disease.

Magnesium Sulphate : It is taken in the morning (5-10 gms) as a single dose. But being a strong purgative, it causes total evacu¬ation of bowels in 1-2-3 hours. I do not recommend it because, even if a minute quantity of it reaches blood (from intestines), it may cause depression at central nervous system, cause serious dehydration, anuria, hence it is not used these days.

Note : There are irritant purgatives, like Bisacodyl, Phenol-phthalein, Senna Glycosides, Castor oil etc, which deserve to be discarded due to serious side-effects.

Caution : Consult your doctor while giving any purgative to an infant, child, pregnant lady, an aged person, person having some serious complaints and health problems, operated cases etc.

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