Modern Medicine: Treatment for Dysentery

It is also a form of diarrhoea but, here, the stools are accompanied by mucus or blood or both which condition points to infection in the intestines. There is much pain, tenesmus, passage of mucus and blood tinged loose or semi-solid stools. There is indigestion, bleeding, loss of weight, anaemia. The infection is brought on by food impurities, resulting in ulceration of intestines and the occasional formation of abscesses in the liver. Amoebic dysentery is controlled by drugs like emetine and tetracyclines, but treatment has to be continued for a fairly long period – depending on severity and depth of infection. Amaebic dysentery is generally confined to tropical and subtropical regions/countries.

Dysentery is a recurring phenomenon and auxilliary measures, like intake of boiled water, cleaned and washed vegetables and fruits, high standard of personal hygiene are both preventive and curative measurees. Amaebic dysentery is caused by a parasite or protozoan called Entamaeba hystolytica.

Another type of dysentery is ‘Bacillary Dysentery” which is caused and spread by bacteria of the genus ‘Shigellia’ and is spread by contact with a patient/carrier or through food, contaminated water or by faeces. This condition may spread in the form of epidemics. Infections include diarrhoea, lever, cramps, and they persist for a week or so. There could also be present dehydration and bleeding from the gut. \ fse of antibiotics efficiently controls the malady but may reappear if causes surface again.

Fluid and sodium losses should be controlled by ‘Electral Powder’ which should be taken in place of ordinary water. But, in any case, boil the water very thoroughly, in addition to taking safeguards, diet and hygienic measures suggested under this heading and diarrhoea. If vomiting and nausea also accompany dysentery, position becomes more serious and may assume form of cholera. In any case, accord topmost priority to control of bleeding and vomiting.

Note:- O.R.S. Compound (WHO Brand) is said to be more effective ac-cording to latest observations.


(1) Tablet/Capsule of ‘Nalidixic Acid (150-300 mg) + Metronidazole (200 mg). Adult dose 2-3 tab/cap 3-4 times daily, depending on intensity and severity of the case. Do not give to infants, nursing and pregnant ladies. If nausea and vomiting persist take a tablet (thrice daily) of ‘Perinorm’ or ‘Stemitif ‘or ‘Avomine’ also Trade brand names of Nalidixic and Metronidazole being ‘Bactomed’, ‘Enterodix-M’. ‘Genogyl-M, ‘Microneg’, Enterodix-M. Do not be scared if yellow/pale coloured urine is passed, in addition to bitter tase in the mouth.

(2) Also try cap Tnseptin-MF’. One tablet/Cap for adults six hourly; for children over 5 years 1/2 tablet 8 hourly, below 5 years 1/4 tablet 8 hourly, for 3-7 days or as required. Urine may be passed yellow or pale, and taste also may be bitter.

Read relevant literature or consult a doctor for contradictions, Drug interactions/ reactions, side-effects. Eliminate the factors that have caused this malady. Avoid recurrence by taking corrective and pre-emptive measures. Take only khichri and curd. Boil drinking water. Take plenty of oral liquids, coconut water, or electral powder (mixed with water) and, above all, maintain and ensure highest standard of personal hygiene. Avoid eating or drinking anything outside your home.

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