Modern Medicine: Treatment for Suppression of Urine and Hematuria

Suppression Of Urine

This is a condition where the kidneys fail to manufacture urine and, thus, the entire urinary poison, which should have been let out by urine, gets reabsorbed into our system. It generally occurs in cholera and Nephritis, giving rise to intense prostration, coma, delirium. Uraemic coma is simply an outcome ofthe said situation. To get a detailed a view, reference may again be made to ‘ Uraemia’. This is a grave situation that often terminates in death but timely resort to hemodialysis may resolve the crisis and help the kidneys to refunction.

Once treated should not imply a total immunity from this disorder, hence a constant monitoring and vigil, coupled with a corrective and curative follow up treatment, is of paramount necessity. As a short and long term measure, self-control and self-management techniques must not be lost sight of. Patients of this disease must be got treated from a specialist, because even a slight delay may prove fatal.


Passage of blood with urine is called ‘Hematuria’. The blood may come from the kidneys, ureters, bladder or urethra.


Malfunctioning of Kidney(s) Stone or tubercle in the bladder. Obstructive pathology of any origin. Presence of some parasite. Injury/trauma Malaria
Pernicious fever
Some other intractable cause.
Exposure to sudden weather/climatic changes.


Blood could pass with or without pain.
Urine is bloody or even frank blood may be passed before, with or after urination.
There may be some straining or tenesmus before/during passing urine.
Pain in Kidney region, ureteric area, bladder or urethra or even in the penis.Burning sensation, (though rare).


Give ITSP thrice daily of Alkasol, 1-2 capsules of Gynae CVP thrice daily with water (Maximum dose being 8 capsules in divided doses, over a period of 24 hours) for 3-5 days, followed by a maintenance dose of 1 -2 caps during 24 hours. These capsules are equally useful in rectal, intestinal, post-partum bleeding, uterine bleeding, menorrhagia and metrorrhagia-dose and frequency, (though remaining as mentioned above) must be moderated and adjusted as to quantity and frequency of blood passed.

As for diet, eliminate all kinds of spices, meats, fats, condiments, fish, heavy and fried foods, alcohol, tobacco, citrus foods/ fruits etc. Take plenty of previously boiled (and then cooled) water; coconut water, aerated soda water, alkalines. Let the patient take complete rest in bed, keep the legs raised on a thick pillow to make an angle of 30dcgrcc; but strain or pressure over abdomen and urinary passage should be avoided.

To contain infection, take 1 tablet each of septran-D.S, 12-hourly for 5 days! It can be concurrently taken with other above mentioned medicines, but with reasonable gap so as to avoid overlapping. If the patient is not diabetic fresh sugar-cane juice or glucose may be given. Avoid also tea, coffee, coca, chats of all types, branded cold drinks etc from diet.

Note : Alkasol, Septran, boiled water, aerated water, coconut water, sugar cane juice, glucose can also be given, with advantage in other urinary infections, provided there are no other serious complications. An elderly and experienced physician used to mix equal quantity of Digene liquid, Alkasol and elixer B-complex in renal and urinary problems in 2 TSP doses after every 3 hours, of course with requisite antibiotics.

If Gynae-CVP does not suit some patient, cadisper-c tablets may be used as an efficient substitute to the former – usual dose being one tablet thrice daily, but be extra careful when giving during unfavourable situations like pregnancy, lactation and hepatic (liver) disorders. Do not use this medicine with antihistamines, as it can be harmful. Read the manufacturing companies’ relevant literature for full and further details in this regard. If, despite all the preliminary measures, no relief follows consult some doctor but, in any case, do not let the problem prolong.

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