Modern Medicine: Treatment for Glycosuria

It is a condition when abnormally large amounts of sugar are present in the urine. Large amount of sugar is also quite com*monly found in diabetes mellitus (if confirmed and supported by clinical tests). In adults, especially in old age, some trace of sugar in the urine, is not unusual.

Condition of glycosuria may exist in –

(i) Hepatic troubles, like cirrhosis.
(ii) organic nervous diseases (especially of the medula).
(iii) Mental over-exertion and shocks.
(iv) Pregnancy
(v) Gouty conditions
(vi) During pregnancy
(vii) Cholera
(viii) Pancreatic disease
(ix) Malfunctioning of kidney (like Nephritis).
(x) Diabetes mellitus (Not diabetes insipidus).


Renal and Pancreatic insufficiency. Large amount of sugar of sugar-ladan foodstuffs. Excessive intake of carbohydrates Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks. Symptoms
Profuse and too frequent passage of urine.
Increased quantity of urine-say 40 to 60 ounces within 24 hours, or even more.
Specific gravity ranging from 1025-1060 Urine is clear, with pale or yellow colour. Consistency is thick and honey-like.
Smells like odour of over-ripe or else decaying fruits, having a sweetish taste.
Urine is highly acidic on passing; and becomes more so on standing.

Merely detection of glucose in urine in one test should not be viewed or cause any alarm. But, if the same symptom persists in all the subsequent urine tests, it must be suspected to be an established case of glycosuia. Human body can absorb glucose upto a limited capacity, (which varies from person to person) but when that absorbing capacity gets dimished, the kidney excretes extra amount of sugar through urine. If a person has consumed large amount of sugar or sugar rich eatables/drinks, his urine will get loaded with sugar but such a condition must not be taken as a case of glycosuria, D.I or D.M.


Unless glycosuria is a concommitant symptom of diabetes mellitus, no medicine is called for. Only a low carbohydrate diet will meet the situation but total elimination of carbohydrates rather. Only a low carbohydrate diet will meet the situation but total elimi*nation of carbohydrates would be a blunder, as it may cause low sugar levels in the body, creating a condition called ‘hypoglycaemia’ which, if not controlled quickly, may lead to se*rious ramifications. If the cause is diabetes mellitus, hypoglycaemic drugs should be taken (like Diaonil) after consulting your doctor, as. Self medication may even prove dangerous, if not fatal.

Our food consists mainly of those foods which are rich in carbohydrates like grain cereals, milk, crystal sugar, jaggery, honey, sweet fruits, sugar-cane juice etc which create energy in the body, hence total elimination of this leading and vital nutrient is not ad*vised – only the quantity should be reduced in daily dietary intake. Citrus fruits (like Mousambi, oranges) have low sugar content and can be digested quickly also.

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