Modern Medicine: Treatment for Renal Colic (Pain in Kidney region)

The term refers to spasmodic pain that begins from the kidneys and ends up or travels towards thighs, testicles or genitals.


Retarded urinary flow. Stone in the urinary passage
Backlash of urine due to defective functioning of ureters, and bladder.
Less intake of food.
Malfunction of Kidneys.
Pain occurs when a stone is about to leave the kidney.


– Pain is severe, rhythmic, excruciating.
– Patient doubles up, twists like a screw, writhes and moans with pain
– Passes urine with much difficulty or else passes urine in drops only or else does not pass at all – latter state is far more serious
– There may be presence of blood, R.B.CS, pus, sandy concre¬tions in the urine.
– Flatus adds to pain and aggravates the problem Constipation of Chronic nature. Relief felt after passing urine freely.


(i) Give plenty of liquids orally like barley water, coconut water and plain water.
(ii) Apply hot fermentations to renal area or let him have a tub bath
(iii) Give 1/2-1 tablet of Lasix to cause free flow of urine or in highly acute cases, Lasix injection may be given.
(iv) Give cap of spasmo Proxyvon at an interval of 4 hours or a dragee of Neo-octinum with a gap of 4-6 hours.
(vi) The patient should be allowed to have rest.

Note : Renal Colic is sometimes confused with abdominal colic but the pain, in latter case, remains confined to the abdominal area only and is relieved by passing wind or when bowels have been cleared.

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