Modern Medicine: Treatment for Stone in Kidney (Renal Stone or Calculus)

Now-a-days 8 out of 10 persons suffer clue to stones in kidneys for which our eating habits and adulterated food, faulty living style, are the main causes. But, people living in certain areas have certain ingredients, present in foods, water and other eatables which precipitate stone formation. In our country certain areas in Punjab, Haryana, LLP., Delhi, U.P. and M.P. are called ‘stone belts’ where incidence of stones is quite common whereas in eastern and southern parts, this malady is not so common.

Kinds of Stones : Calculus is a stone but it is not that stones suddenly appear. At first there is appearance of palpable sediments or powders which pass with urine without being noticed. When such concetions unite, they are called gravels when their size is like mustard seeds. When they assume larger shape, they are called stones. Mustard seed like gravels are also passed with urine -though there may be some dull pain.

It is not that stones form only in the kidneys. Fact remains that stones may form also in gall-bladder, urinary bladder, tonsil also-causation & formation of stones varies in each ease alongwith attendant symptoms and treatment. It is necessary to point out that stones are not thrown into our body through mouth; they get formed within our body and certain types of food account for formation of various kinds of stones.

Kidney stones are formed by Phosphates, Calcium oxalates and Urates – and presence of crystals of these ingredients will confirm the type of formation of stones. For instance phosphate stones are almost self soluble. Calcium oxalate stones are harder and urate stones are still harder. The larger and harder the stone, the larger and greater damage to the kidney.

I was once told by a renowned urologist surgeon that “No medicine is required for a stone which is self-soluble and no medicine is required for a stone which is not self-soluble. He further suggested that “If you want to remain free from kidney or stone infections, never let your urine thicken to assume a thick consistency and to remain healthy consume at least 24-32 glasses of water daily so that kidneys are flushed out.”

Since kidney stone is a most prevalent disease in northern region, I have deliberately given a bit more detailed account.

Types of Colic : Following differential points will distinguish one type of Colic from another.

• Renal Colic occurs when a stone is about to leave the kindney
• The pain appears and disappears suddenly.
• In Gallstone Colic Jaundice is present quite often and the pain is confined to a particular area generally.
• There is no Jaundice in renal Colic.
• In appendicitis there is fever but renal Colic is never associated with fever.
• In Cystic or Vesical Colic, the stone may pass on to urethra, giving rise to pain, with a sensation of weight in the bladder, pain in neck of the bladder, urethra, penis/vagina or rectum. Urine may be bloody or there could be retention of urine or strangury.
• Abdominal Colic is relieved after passage of wind or stools (or both).


1. Heredity – in most of the cases.
2. Consuming too much of Calcium, Calcium-laden foods like milk products.
3. Far less intake of oral fluids.
4. Meats, fish and hard liquors.
5. Excessive use of Rice, potatoes, spinach, lady finger, tomato etc.

Note : Spinach and tobacco are particularly forbidden in renal stone formation as they precipitate the process of stone formation and also damage kidneys due to their containing lot of Calcium Oxalates etc. Spinach contains sandy concretions also.

Big stones remain lodged up in the kidney and cause dull ache but hardly any radiating pain.
Renal Colic is caused by small stones which are unable to pass through urine but travel up and down in the kidney. As mid when such small stones move, they cause unbearable pain.
Pain starts from the loins and shoots down to the testicles.
Nausea and Vomiting.
Retraction and tenderness of testicles.
Rigor or/and Collapse.
Strangury and Tenesmus.
Pain subsides as soon as free urinary flow is restored, when stone passes out with urine.
There may pass blood also when some stone leaves the kidney.
It has been generally observed that mostly it is the left kidney involved and reason therefore is not known nor has any Urologist or Nephrologist has given any specific reason for left side renal calculus/stone.


If the stone is big in size and there is a constant dull adding pain, or severe at times, it needs to be removed surgically, and sooner it is done the better, because a big-sized stone is more potential in damaging the kidney than smaller stones. It might also interfere with filtering process of the kidney and, thus, vital fluids might escape with the urine.

There is hardly any medicine in allopathy that could dissolve stones but medicines to relieve pain, restore urinary flow may be taken as described under ‘Renal colic and Nephritis’. In addition resort to auxiliary measures, detailed under these chapters.

All pains in the renal region must not be traced to presence of stones. There could be other causes and symptoms which, at times, may overlap to confound the position but proper urinary tests and x-rays will confirm or rule out chances for any speculation. It is advised that 2-3 urine tests are taken from different laboratories and if the results are (almost) identical, proper treatment should be worked out and practised.

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