First-Aid: Structure and Function of Human Body

The human body is an amazing combination of different systems that are well coordinated for smooth functioning as a unit. All the systems are equally important for health, and no particular system can be called as more important that other systems, a first aider needs to have knowledge of the structure and function of various systems so as to be able to clearly understand sickness and effects of injury on the body.

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First-Aid: Life Saving Resuscitation

Resuscitation is a vital emergency technique for the restoration of life or consciousness of the person whose respiration and cardiac activity have ceased. Cessation of these functions results in cessation of oxygenation of blood and pumping of the oxygenated blood to tissues. Since oxygen is essential for survival, resuscitation is done to reestablish tissue oxygenation until respiratory and cardiac functions are restored.

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First-Aid: Types of Wounds

A wound is an injury or an abnormal break in the continuity of the skin or other tissues. In an external wound, there is danger that germs will enter the wound and cause an infection. If the wound is deep, severe bleeding may occur or there may be serious damage to structures within the body, such as the bowel, heart, lungs, or brain.

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First-Aid: How To Treat Crush Injuries and Blast Injuries

These are due to severe pressure of a heavy object over a part of the body. There may not be much of an external injury. But there can be extensive damage to the tissues underneath, e.g. muscles and bones. Internal hemorrhage is possible. Toxic materials released from the damaged tissue can enter the blood stream and cause failure of the kidneys.

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