Diet Cure: Treatment Chart for Obesity


I. Raw juice diet for five to seven days. Take a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice, diluted with water on 50:50 basis , every two hours during the day. Use warm water enema to cleanse the bowls.

II. An all-fruit diet for further five to seven days, taking three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits at five hourly intervals.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Peptic Ulcer

Persons who treat themselves with antacids may do themselves more harm than good. Though they may get initial relief because jhe tablet neutralises the acid, the stomach responds by producing even more acid because the basic cause of the hyperacidity has not been dealt with. Ulcers can be best treated by natural methods.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Piles

Piles or Hemorrhoids are among the most common ailments today, especially in the western world. They are a varicose and often inflamed condition of the veins inside or just outside the rectum. In external piles, there is a lot of pain but not much bleeding. In the case of internal piles, there is discharge of dark blood.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Piles

There is no local treatment to cure piles. The treatment of the basic cause – namely, chronic constipationis the only way to get rid of the trouble. To begin the dietetic treatment, the whole digestive tract must be given a complete rest for a few days and the intestines thoroughly cleansed.

For this purpose the patient should adopt an all -fruit diet for atleast seven days. He should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as grapes, apples, pears, peaches, oranges, pineapples and melons. For drinks, unsweetened lemon water or plain water either hot or cold may be taken.

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Diet Cure: Dietary Treatment for Prostate Disorders

The dietetic treatment for prostate enlargement consists of detoxicating the system by proper fasting and diet. To begin with, the patient should forgo all solid foods and subsist on water only for two or three days. The intake of water should be as plentiful as possible.

Nothing should be added to the water except a little lemon juice, if desired. The water may be taken cold or hot and it should be taken every hour or so when awake. This will greatly increase the flow of the urine.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Prostate Disorders

Nearly one-third of all men over 50 years suffer from prostate troubles of one form or another. The percentage rises with age and reaches 75 after the age of 80 years. Prostate and bladder disorders can lead to numerous other ailments such as arthritis, kidney disorders and uremia. It is, therefore, of utmost importance to detect the disease in its early stages and commence treatment.

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Diet Cure: Symptoms and Causes of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the most stubborn skin diseases. It is an inflammatory disease characterised by thick, red, silvery, scaled patches of skin. This disease affects both sexes equally. It may appear at any age but most often at the age ranging from 15 to 30 years. It is, however, rare in infancy and old age. Psoriasis is not contagious.

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