Modern Medicine: Treatment for Asthma

It is one of the most agonising and exhausting diseases which torment the sufferer for a lengthy period of life. Its onset is generally in the childhood and occurs more in atopic patients, i.e. who are sensitive to certain allergens. It is caused by hypersensitivity to a particular ingredient, or weather condition and the list is quite lengthy to spell out. Generally, multiple allergens are the culprits and, thus, a single allergen cannot be held responsible for onset of disease.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment to Control Respiratory Infection

Bronchial irritation must be reduced to the minimum possible level. If cigarette smoking is the cause, the patient must be advised to stop smoking, once forever. Change of job or occupation may have also to be advised if smoke-filled and dusty atmosphere be the cause, though it may not be possible due to various family and social factors and compulsions. Other causes and irritants should also be located and eliminated. Major emphasis should be laid on elimination of basic contributory cause, without which even the best suited treatment is not likely to show any favourable outcome.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Broncho-Pneumonia

It is also called lobular, capillary bronchitis or Capillary pneumonia. Edwards is ofthe view that “Clinically (i.e. Broncho-Pneumonia) is identical with capillary bronchitis, which, if it occurs in the first yeats of life, never spares the lung tissue; it is marked by fever, cough, dyspnoea and cyanosis, which may often co-exist without obvious signs of hepatisation.”

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Laryngitis (Acute & Chronic)

Laryngitis (Acute & Chronic) Acute : Larynx is an organ of voice and an inflammation thereof is called ‘Laryngitis’. When voice is used forcibly, used at high pitch, at a stretch, when infection of any type sets in, there may be pain on swallowing, using voice, speaking or putting any sort of extra strain on the organ will result in laryngitis which is also known as ‘spasmodic laryngitis or spasmodic croup’.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Hoarse Voice, Aphonia and Aphasia


Those who forcibly use their voice quite repeatedly, sing/ talk more loudly than their voice can actually endure are the Victims. Aphonia means loss of voice (even if partial) due to interference with tension and due to approximation of the vocal cord. Usual causes are syphilis, laryngitis, T.B, new growths within the throat, repeated infections etc. Cause aphonia or where forcible use of voice or exposure are the main causes of hoarse voice, in addition to cold and catarrh.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Pneumonia

This is a very serious disease and often terminates in death; hence should never be treated by a layman or by domestic medications. Here, either whole of lung substance is affected or a part thereof is affected. The affection is caused by bacteria, in which case Alveoli (or the air-sacs) fdl up with pus so that the air excluded by the lungs becomes solid (called consolidation). Following salient features may be noted –

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Modern Medicine: Treatment forTuberculosis (Pthisis, Consumption)

It is an infection caused by a minute germ Bacillus Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (shortly called T.B) which was identified, in 1882, by Koch and characterised by formation of tubercles (or nodular lesions, the latter symptom popularly known as Consumption and Pthisis (wasting).

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Diphtheria

It is a highly infectious caused by the Bacterium ‘Coryne-bacterium diphtheriae’ which generally affects the throat at the initial stage but may also infect other mucus membranes and the skin. It is spread by direct contact with an infected patient, carrier or contaminated food. Sometimes, it spreads so fast that it assumes an epidemic form.

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Modern Medicine: Treatment for Anuria (Failure of kidneys to produce urine)

Reference may be first made to various parts of human body involved in the process of urination and also the relevant functions performed by each of the organs as a preliminary knowledge will certainly help in understanding various diseases attributed to each organ.

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