Natural Remedies: Therapeutic and Anti Bacterial Properties of Lime, Mango, Margosa and Onion


Lime, like lemon, is an important citrus fruit and is very popular throughout the tropics. The juice of this fruit, which is used as medicine since ancient times, possesses antibacterial property. Its use has been found beneficial in infections like cold, tonsillitis and cystitis or bladder infection. For cold and tonsillitis, a fresh lime should be squeezed in a glass of warm water, to which a teaspoon of honey and a quarter teaspoon of common salt may be added. It should then be sipped slowly.

In case of bladder infection, a teaspoon of limejuice should be put in 180 ml. of boiling water. It should then be allowed to cool and 60 ml. of this water should be taken every two hours. It stops burning and bleeding in cystitis.


The mango enjoys a unique status among the fruits of the tropics. It is regarded as a valuable article of diet and a household remedy for several ailments. The ripe mango is antiscorbutic, diuretic, laxative, invigorating, fattening and astringent.

Mango has been found effective in fighting infections. All bactenal invasions are due to poor epithelium. Liberal use of mangoes during the season contributes towards the formation of healthy epithelium, thereby preventing frequent attacks of common infections such as cold, infection, rhinitis and sinusitis. This is attributable to high concentration of vitamin A in mangoes. The bark of mango tree has also been found especially valuable in diphtheria and other throat infections. Its fluid can be locally applied and also used as a gargle in treating this condition. This gargle is prepared by mixing 10 grams of the fluid extract with 125 ml of water.


This tree is very common in India. It has played a key role in Ayurvedic medicine and agriculture since time immemorial. The tree is generally considered to be an air purifier and a preventive against malarial fever and cholera.

An infusion or a decoction of the fresh leaves is a bitter vegetable tonic and alterative, especially in chronic malarial fevers because of its action on the liver. It should be taken in doses of 15 to 60 grams.

Cleaning the teeth regularly with a neem twig prevents gum diseases. It firms up loose teeth, relieves toothache, evacuates the bad odour and protects the mouth from various infections.


Onion is an exceptionally strong antibiotic and antiseptic food. It was used to treat infections in wounded Russian soldiers during World War II. Latest researches have confirmed the bactericidal properties of onion. According to these findings, if a person consumes one raw onion every day by thorough mastication, he will be protected from a host of tooth disorders. The Russian Doctor, B.P.Tohkin, who has contributed to this research, has expressed the opinion that chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum often allays toothache.

Onion can help prevent cholera infection during epidemic. It should be cut into pieces and scattered all over the house during cholera epidemic. This will prevent attack of the diseases. A sauce prepared from onion can also be beneficially used with food during cholera epidemic, this will help prevent the disease. The method of preparing this sauce is to peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. These pieces should then be washed in a small amount of water several times. Vinegar and common salt may be added to taste. This sauce may be used with each meal.

It is quite tasteful and effective against cholera Another effective onion preparation for preventing cholera is to take 30 grams of onion and seven black peppers. They should be pound in a pestle very finely and then given to the patient of cholera in small doses, two or three times daily This will allay thirst and restlessness and patient will feel better. It will also reduce vomiting and diarrhoea immediately. The juice extracted from an onion can be used beneficially to treat pus formation in the ear caused by middle-ear infection. It should be slightly warm and put into the ear two or three times daily.

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