Natural Remedies: Therapeutic and Blood Pressure Lowering Properties of Alfalfa, Apple, Bloodwort, Calcium-Rich-Foods, Celery

High blood pressure is regarded as the silent killer. It is a major maker of heart health. The highest pressure reached during each heartbeat is called systolic pressure and the lowest between two beats is known as diastolic pressure. The blood pressure level considered normal is 120/70, but may go up to 140/90 and still be normal. Within this range, the lower the reading, the better. Blood pressure between 140/90 and 160/ 95 is considered borderline area. From 160/96 to 180/114, it is classed as moderate hypertension, while 180/115 and upward is considered severe.

Research studies have shown that foods can greatly affect blood pressure. There are certain foods, which may increase blood pressure, while certain others may help lower it. One can thus safely eat once way out of high blood pressure.

FOODS THAT LOWER BLOOD-PRESSURE Alfalfa, Apple, Bloodwort, Calcium-Rich Foods, Celery, Cucumber, Fruits And Vegetables, Garlic, Indian Goosebery, Olive Oil, Parsley, Potassium-Rich Foods, Potato, Rauwolfia, Rice, Vegetable Juices and Water-Melon Seeds.


The herbal food, alfalfa helps lower blood pressure. It contains all the elements necessary for the softening of the hardened arteries, which is the main cause for raised blood pressure. Alfalfa can be used in many different forms. The seeds are useful in the form of sprouts. They are delicious and nourishing in salads and soups as well as on sandwiches. Alfalfa can be used in the form of juice extracted from leaves. It is also used extensively in the form of herb tea, which is made from seeds as well as from dried leaves of the plant. Alfalfa contains all the elements necessary for the softening of the hardened arteries and thus useful in lowering blood pressure.


Apples are considered valuable in lowering blood pressure. They have a rapid and considerable diuretic effect and relive the kidneys by reducing the supply of sodium chloride to a minimum. They also lower the sodium level in the tissues because of the high level of potassium.


Bloodwort is a bitter, aromatic, stimulant and a tonic herbal food. It induces copious perspiration. The herb is useful in treating high blood pressure. Like all sweat-inducing remedies, bloodwort encourages blood flow to the skin, which helps lower blood pressure. Alkaloid present in bloodwort, is reported to lower blood pressure. It can be taken in the form of decoction or infusion.

Calcium-Rich Foods

Some experts believe that high blood pressure is more due to Calcium deficiency than excess of sodium. They also believe that intake of educate calcium can nullify the blood pressure raising effects of sodium in some patients. According to Dr. David A. Mccarron of Oregon Health Sciences University, some person need more calcium than others to keep blood pressure normal, and quite often those are people who are “salt sensitive,” that is, whose blood pressure rises from eating too much sodium.

One theory is that such individuals retain water when they eat too much sodium, and that calcium acts like a natural diuretic to help kidneys release sodium and water, thus reducing blood pressure. Foods rich in Calcium are milk and dairy foods, and green leafy vegetables.


This vegetable has been used as a folk remedy to lower blood pressure in Asia since ancient times. In a recent study, Dr. William J. Elliot, a pharmacologist at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine, isolated a blood-pressure-reducing substance in celery. According to him, celery lowers pressure by reducing blood concentrations of stress hormones that cause blood vessels to constrict. He considered this vegetable to be most effective in those hypertension patients whose blood pressure is linked to mental stress.

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