Natural Remedies: Therapeutic and Cancer Fighting Properties of Raw Foods, Soyabeans, Tomato, Vitamin C and A-Rich Foods

Raw Foods

Dr. Kirstine Nolfi of Denmark, who herself suffered from cancer, found by experiment the value of raw foods in treating cancer. She recovered from this dreaded disease after treating herself with an exclusive diet of raw foods and then opened an institution called Humlegarden. She attained great success in treating cancer patients at this institution and wrote a book about her success.

In her book Dr. Nolfi tells how, whenever she slipped off her raw food diet or used salt, the condition reappeared with renewed vigor. Then when she went back to the raw food diet and stuck to it, the cancer subsided. This experience shows that cancer cannot be cured but it can be prevented and held under control by a raw juice and raw food diet. Dr. Nolfi gave a great deal of credit to raw garlic and raw potatoes, which she claims were the key vegetables in the success of the raw food diet.


This vegetable contains compounds, which can manipulate oestrogen and also directly inhibit the growth of cancerous cells, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer in women of all ages, according to Stephen Barnes, Ph.D., associate professor of pharmacology and biochemistry at the University of Alabama. One soyabean compound, phytoestrogens is quite similar chemically to the drug tamoxifen, given to certain women to help prevent breast cancer and its spread.

Soyabean also helps block the growth of cancer cells in another way, not related to oestrogen. Studies in cells have found that soyabean compounds, for mysterious reasons, can entirely halt the growth of cancerous cells even though they do not have any oestrogen receptors to block, according to Dr. Barnes. That means these soyabean compounds fight cancer in at least two separate ways, he says.

Soyabeans can be used in various forms such as milk, curd, flours, green beans, sprouts and oil. The soyabean milk is the main article of food and it can be converted into several other food products like curd, casein, sweets and pudding. The soya flour is the most widely used product of soyabean. It is prepared by first roasting the soyabean and removing their coatings. They are then turned into powder.


Tomato is regarded as an anti-cancer food. Its lycopene, which gives this vegetable its color, is the main ingredient. This ingredient helps prevent cancer. A research study conducted by Dr. Helmut Sies of Germany has found that lycopene is twice as powerful as beta-carotene at “quenching singlet oxygen,” an unchecked toxic oxygen molecule that can trigger cancer in cells. Tomatoes are the major source of lycopene in the food supply, and that includes all types of tomato products, such as cooked tomatoes, canned tomatoes and sauces, tomato paste and ketchup. Lycopene is also highly concentrated in watermelon.

Vitamin C and A-Rich Foods

Recent research has shown that certain vitamins can be successfully employed in the fight against cancer and that they can increase the life expectancy of some terminal cancer patients. According to recent Swedish studies, vitamin C in large doses can be effective prophylactic agent against cancer. Noted Japanese scientist, Dr. Fukunir Mirishige and his colleagues have recently found that a mixture of vitamin C and copper compound has lethal effects on cancer.

Foods rich in vitamin C are Indian Gooseberry, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and sprouted Bengal and green grams. According to several studies, vitamin A exerts an inhibiting effect on carcinogenesis. It is one of the most important aids to the body’s defense system to fight and prevent cancer. Dr. Leonida Santamaria and his colleagues at the University of Pavis in Italy have uncovered preliminary evidence suggesting that beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, may actually inhibit skin cancer by helping the body nullify the cancer-causing process known as oxidation. Foods rich in vitamin A are whole milk, curds, butter, pumpkin, carrots, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, papaya and mango.

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