Ayurveda Panchakarma: Three Aspects of Gastrointestinal Vitality

In addition to proper diet, ahara emphasizes the role of three components vital to healthy gastrointestinal functioning: deepan, the maintenance of strong digestive fire; pachan, smooth digestion and assimilation; and anuloman, proper elimination of waste materials. When these three operate normally, the body will respond well to almost any appropriate treatment. People fall ill because they have problems in one or more of these areas. Many people consider weak appetite, sluggish digestion or constipation as an unfortunate but minor fact of life. They are not aware that these “small” inconveniences can lead to serious disease over time.

Deepan: Good Appetite

Agni regulates the appetite. A strong appetite, called deepan, gives the signal that the digestive system is ready for new food intake. If appetite is consistently variable, weak or excessive, or if we experience abnormal cravings, something is wrong with the digestive agni. Our appetite should guide us to eat what we need in suitable quantity and at those times when the body can derive optimum benefit from it. If you’re not hungry, don’t burden your digestion by eating. Let agni regain its strength so it can digest what you have already eaten and neutralize any ama which has formed. Some simple solutions exist to regain appetite and rekindle agni: Drink ginger tea, avoid solid foods and take only liquids for twelve hours.

Pachan: Good Digestion

Pachan or healthy digestion assures proper nourishment of the dhatus. When digestion is impaired, we may experience acidity, gas, bloating and nausea, as well as a sour or metallic taste on the tongue. These things indicate that digestion is sluggish and ama is being produced. The body always gives us signals when we have eaten something unsuitable. Most people ignore these signals. If you feel that your digestion is not strong yet you still have some appetite, then eat only a small amount of easily digestible food.

Anuloman: Good Elimination

Improper elimination manifests as irregular bowel movements, consistently loose bowels, constipation, hard or sticky stools. These show that toxins and waste are accumulating and fermenting in the colon, making it pH acidic and disrupting absorption and elimination. If your bowels are not moving, additional food will only increase the burden on an already sluggish colon. Take only liquids or skip a meal to give the body a chance to re-establish normal colon function. Healthy elimination, called anuloman, occurs first thing in the morning, so that the system is free to accept the day’s new food.

When appetite, digestion and elimination are normal, we have abundant energy, strong bodies, good health and clear minds. Sleep is deep and refreshing. Ayurveda’s focus is on the strength of the patient, not the disease and sees illness result from the weakness of the patient. When an individual is strong, resistance to disease is strong.

We cannot avoid the death of the body, but we can do a great deal to prolong life and improve its quality. We can enjoy a long and productive life without medical complications and without the suffering that accompanies debilitating illness. In that light, we offer you the simple cleansing procedures contained in later articles that you can do for yourself. They will help minimize or even negate the potential for any future need for medical intervention.

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