Preksha Yoga: Preksha Yoga to Treat Thyroid and Hypothyroidism

Thyroid Diseases

The thyroid gland is located, immediately below the larynx on either side of and anterior to the trachea. It secretes large amounts of two hormones: thyroxin(T4) and triiodothyroxine(T3). These hormones have a profound effect on the metabolic rate of the body, which includes build-up and replacement of tissues, storage of energy, breakdown of tissues and utilization of the energy produced in the cells. It also secretes calcitonin, a hormone that is important for calcium metabolism.

Complete lack of thyroid secretion usually causes the basal metabolic rate to fall to about ;0 percent below normal, and extreme excesses of thyroid secretion can cause the basal metabolic rate to rise as high as 60 to 100 percent above normal. The secretion of thyroid gland is primarily controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone secreted by the master endocrine gland, the Pituitary gland.


Hypersecretion of thyroid hormone may be due to an autoimmune disesase, called exophithalmic goitre, also called Grave’s disease. This disease is more frequent in females. One of its primary symptoms is an enlarged thyroid, called goitre, which may be two-three times its original size. Two other symptoms are an oedema behind the eye, which causes the eye to protrude (exophthalmos) and an abnormally high metabolic rate.

The high metabolic rate produces a range of effects that generally includes higher pulse rate, r:g1i body temperature, heat intolerance, and moist flu-shed skin. The person loses weight and is usually full of ‘nervous’ energy. This condition also increases the responsiveness of the nervous system, causing the person to become irritable and exhibit tremors of the extended fingers

Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone occurs during foetal life or infancy, or during adulthood, which are known as cretinism and myxedema respectively. Two outstanding clinical symptoms of the cretin are dwarfism and mental retardation. Cretin also exhibits retarded sexual development and a yellowish skin colour. Flat pads of fat develop, giving the cretin a characteristic round face and thick nose; a large, thick, protruding tongue and protruding abdomen. Cretins also have a low body temperature, slow heart rate and suffer from general lethargy.

Like the cretins, the person suffering from myxedema has slow heart rate, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, dry hair and skin, muscular weakness, general lethargy and a tendency to gain weight easily. The long-term effect of a slow heart rate may overwork the heart muscle, causing the heart to enlarge. Myxedema occurs much frequently in females than in males.

Preskha — Yoga management

Yogic exercise – Of neck
Asanas – Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Viparitkarni mudra, Surya Namaskar, Pawan muktasana
Pranayama – Ujjayai, Nadi shodhan
Kayotsarga – 20 minutes
Bandh – Jalandhar bandh
Preksha – Perception of long deep breathing (Deergha shwas preksha) with blue colour on Vishuddhi kendra
Anupreksha – Contemplation for the correction of thyroid problem
Dietary recommendation – To increase the iodine intake.

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