Eye Care: How to Relieve Tired Eyes

Continuous use of eyes at a stretch, tires them and put extra pressure thereon. It is more common in artisans like fine needle workers, embroiderers, watch repairers, goldsmiths, readers, print composers, T.V viewers, readers etc. There is no escape from using eyes at a stretch due to demands of some professions, but a little rest and relaxation will provide much needed comfort and rest to your eyes for which one can employ one or more of the methods suggested below.

□ Close your eyes in a natural way. Gently place your palms, over the eyes and give gentle palm massage. It will soothe and comfort your strained eyes. Whenever your eyes feel tired, do as suggested above.

□ Splash cold water/natural cold water (not refrigerated water) over eyes 10-15 times and then calmly and quietly close your eyes, without exerting any stress or strain. If you give palm massage, after rinsing your eyes, you will reap double benefit.

□ Put 2-3 drops of rose water into each eye and then close eyes and sit quietly for 5-10 minutes.

□ While applying vision rather closely, your eyes redden, itch or start watering, these are the nature’s warning signals, demanding of you to temporarily suspend your work at hand, and give rest to your eyes. If you ignore such warning signals you are simply inviting eye disorders. In such cases, resort to any one of the methods enumerated in this chepter.

□ Never rub the eyes while doing some work or while resting your eyes.

□ Continuous close application of eyes can even cause headache, pain the eyes and cervical muscles, cause even nausea and/or vomiting, strain and stiffness to shoulders, back side of head and pain in temple.


□ This exercise is meant to improve concentration of eye sight. Sit/stand erect in a relaxed position. Place your finger at about 3 inches in front of the tip of your nose. Now gaze at the tip of your finger, counting 1-4. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times. If there is watering from the eyes, pain and/or strain, sign of (even remote) headache, do not push the duration, rather take rest for some minutes and then re-start.

□ Fix a rounded spot on the wall or place a white paper in the wall and mark a spot with black ink or take a rounded piece of paper (equivalent to the size of a round bindi used by ladies). Now, without suffering your body, gaze at the circular black point for 4-5 seconds, increase the duration each day, but do not overuse or overstrain your eyes. These methods will improve your near and distant vision. If it is not possible to stand, you can sit in a sofa or chair or bed and, then, do as indicated above.

Here is a warning for the new practitioners; they shouldn’t jump on to optimum gazing time, as it is bound to tire and strain eyes, cause headache and stiffness in the neck muscles, with occasional pain. One can start by counting 1-3 and increase the duration to 10 counts after every 3-4 days, taking the count to 60, 80, 100, then massage the eyes with palms after each day’s exercise which could be practised any time during the day but never at night.


This exercise is different from the one described earlier. Sit comfortably on the floor, or bed, join fingers and thumbs of both hands. Bend them slightly inwards and place one hand on the right eye and other on the second (i.e. left eye). Close the eyes and place both hands (one upon another) in such a way that hands do not touch the eyes, and also that not even an iota of light gets in. Contemplate, concentrate and imagine that darkness is enveloping the eyes. No circular motion of palms is involved here.


□ Sit on floor or cot (bed), your back portion touch the wall and knees touch each frontal side of chest. Backside of the head should also touch the wall. Place your elbows on the knees and start palming the eyes.

□ Sit in a chair or on a wooden/plastic stool. Place both the elbows on the table and then, start palming in the manner suggested above.


Sunrays are stronger in the afternoon but not so sharp and strong at the time of sunrise (dawn) and sunset (dusk) when red rays emanate from the horizon. Gaze at the rising sunrays and setting sunrays which should be allowed to fall on the eyes. Blink both the eyes quite frequently.

In Hindu religion, there is custom to offer water to the rising sun. Keep a tumbler and pour water in a steady stream (as an offering to Sun God). While the water flows from the tumbler, gaze at the rising sun’s rays through the falling water. It will improve eye sight and also strengthen eye muscles.

Alternatively, close your eyes gently (not tightly) in a natural manner, and swing your head sideways at a 30-40 angle or revolve eyes like a clock’s pendulum to left and right. To begin with start moving your head 30-40 times, then gradually enhancing the frequency to 200 times. When the suggested process is over, splash cold water over the eyes 3-4 times and practise the palming process, as suggested earlier, for 2-4 minutes.


Rays rising from the moon are calm, cold and soothing to the mind, body and brain and exert a salutary and curative impact on the eyes. Lie flat on your back and look at the moon and revolve your vision all round the moon, but do not forget to blink eyes gradually, keeping your eyes relaxed. You can enjoy moon lit night’s beauty by gazing at the moon for 5-10 minutes or more. It will have an all-round curative effect on the eyes.


Eyes should be washed twice daily with salt mixed (saline) water or Triphala water or diluted alum water or with bland (plain) cold water but, in case of any eye disorder, boric mixed cold water should be used. It is a matter of sheer choice/preference as to which of the media can suit you best. In any case, never use hot water for washing your eyes.

More efficacious method to use eye-cup, filling each cup to its 2/3 capacity, dip your one eye in a cup and revolve and blink your eye. Repeat the same process with the other eye.


Squeeze/tighten both the eyes in such a way that pressure shifts to root of the nose on both sides. Maintain the position for 3-4 seconds and thereafter return to the original position. No undue extra pressure should be exerted. Press the eyes as you normally close your eyes. The process may be repeated 4-6 times or as convenient. The process may cause vertigo, nausea/vomiting in rare cases, hence it cannot be ruled out.


Open the mouth as far as possible and protrude your tongue out of the mouth. Now raise your head upwards (say at 60 degree, but not at 90 degree in any case). Look upwards without raising your head. Return to the original state after keeping in the suggested position for 2-3 seconds. Finally relax your eyes by closing them for 3-4 seconds. Repeat the process. Frequency should be gradually increased and never abruptly, but So not extend the duration of exercise beyond 10 seconds.


Sit erect in a relaxed position and keep your neck straight:

□ Look downwards.
□ Look upwards.
□ Look to left side of your eyes.
□ Look to right side of your eyes.
□ Revolve your pupils in full circular form left to right and then from right to left
□ Look with each eye at 60 degree angle.
□ Look downwards by half closing your eyes.
□ Tilt your neck backwards and gaze at the roof/sky.
□ Bend your head, your chin affixed to the hollow part of your throat. Try to look downwards, preferably your feet.
□ Keep your neck straight and try to look downwards, moving your eyes in a semi circular form, from left to right and right to left.
□ Look upwards and repeat the above exercise in the same way in upward semi circular motion.


These exercises are ideal ones not only for eyes, but also for neck, neck muscles and sinews, bones, shoulders, stiffness, pain etc. Sit or stand erect and loosen your cervical and adjoining muscles. Now proceed as follows:

□ Bend your neck forwards (but those who are suffering from cervical spondylitis/spondylosis must not perform any exercise where neck is to be bent forward) and try to look at your feet; to left and right sides also.

□ Turn your neck to your left side and try to look at that side. Then repeat the same process with right side. Repeat 4-5 times. Initially there may be some pain due to stiff neck muscles but will gradually disappear with regular and tolerable practice. In this process both of your eyes should turn towards left/right side.

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