Allergy Cure: Magnet Therapy to Treat Allergy

Magnetotherapy is a branch of medicine in which human diseases are treated by the application of magnets to the body of the patients. It is the simplest, cheapest and painless system of medicine with absolutely no side-effects.

Treatment of Allergy by Magnetotherapy

Dust Allergy

Dust allergy can be effectively controlled and even cured by using Magnetotherapy in the following ways:-

□ The traditional treatment of allergy is to keep the North Pole of the high-power cast alloy magnet under the palm of the right hand and the South Pole under the palm of the left hand for 10 minutes twice daily. This helps in regulating the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems.

North Pole of crescent (curved) type ceramic magnet should be applied on right nostril and South Pole on left nostril for 10 minutes twice daily. This will take care of nose-block, sneezing and watering from nose and eyes and ease the difficulty in breathing. If the same magnets are applied on the throat for 10 minutes twice daily, sore throat and dry cough can be reduced.

Magnetic Necklace with 20 small magnets may be worn around the neck touching upper part of the chest. This may be worn throughout the day except when taking a bath. It can be also worn during the night.

□ Water magnetised with North and South Pole can be taken simultaneously in the dose of 50ml-75ml, 3-4 times daily for adults and in smaller doses for children, daily. This helps in removing congestion in the chest and lungs.

Food Allergy

□ Keep the North Pole of the high-power cast alloy magnet under the palm of the right hand and the South Pole under the sole of the left foot for 10 minutes twice or thrice daily. This helps in regulating the digestive system and controlling symptoms of food allergy.

□ Water magnetised with North and South Pole can be taken after every stool or vomitus in the dose of 50ml-75ml 3-4 times daily for adults and in smaller doses for children, daily.

□ Specially designed belly (abdominal) belt can be useful for patients with food allergy. This belt is designed to cover the abdomen and back with magnets. This belt can be used for 30 to 60 minutes twice daily.

Insect Bite/Skin Allergy

□ North Pole of the high-power cast alloy magnet should be applied directly to bitten or affected part immediately after the bite and for up to 10-15 minutes. For skin allergy, the magnet should be applied at the diseased part for 10-15 minutes thrice daily.

□ Water magnetised with North Pole should be taken in the dose of 50ml-75ml, 3-4 times daily for adults and in smaller doses for children, daily. The affected part can be washed or dressed with the same water regularly.

Adverse Effects

These are very rarely seen, especially in those using high-power of electromagnets. The effects reported are as follows: Mild tingling sensation in the hands and feet, a feeling of warmth in the body, heaviness of head, dryness of tongue, increased urge for urination, mild giddiness, and sweating in the areas on contact with magnets.


□ The ideal time for using Magnetotherapy is in the morning, preferably empty stomach and after a bath.
□ Avoid eating or drinking cold things for at least one hour after applying high-power magnets.
□ Since Magnetotherapy produces some heat in the body, bath should not be taken for at least one hour after treatment.
□ If high-power or medium-power magnets are applied after full meals they may cause nausea.
□ High-power magnets should not be applied to pregnant women, very weak ladies and to children.
□ High power magnets should not be applied directly to delicate organs of the body, namely eyes, head and heart.
□ Watches should not be allowed to come in contact with magnets unless they are anti-magnetic or magnet-proof.
□ When high-power magnets are applied for long periods, they may produce heaviness in head, giddiness, yawning, tingling in nerves, etc. Discontinue contact with magnets and rest immediately.
□ Opposite poles of high-power magnets should not be brought near each other face to face as they attract each other with great force.
□ When high-power or medium-power magnets are not in use, they should be kept joined with a keeper so that their magnetism is not wasted and they are not demagnetised soon.
□ When taking magnetic treatment under palms, it is not necessary to remove gold or silver rings from the finger.

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