Cancer Treatment: Neuroblastoma

It arises from the cells of the sympathetic nerves and in the adrenal glands. These nerves are spread over all parts of the body. The cancer occurs more commonly in the abdomen. The cancer spreads rapidly in the body through the blood vessels as well as lymphatic channels. The cancer cells produce a substance called catecholamine which raises the blood pressure.

This is a common cancer of childhood, forming 10 per cent of all cancers occurring in this age group.


· Lump in the abdomen.
· Weight loss.
· Diminished appetite.
· Swelling in the neck.
· Protrusion of the eyeball, due to the occurrence of the cancer behind the eyeball.


· Routine: Blood: HB, RBC, TLC, DLC may be normal.
· ESR is raised
· Serum catecolamines are increased.
· Special: Biopsy examination from the involved part confirms the diagnosis.
· Additional: X-rays of the chest, abdomen, suspected bones arc taken to look for the spread of the cancer.


Surgery: If the cancer is localized and can be taken out completely, then this is the method of choice and cure rate is over 90 per cent.

If the cancer has spread, partial removal of the cancer would not help much.

Radiation: Radiation is given over the cancer which cannot be removed through surgery. The cancer is very amenable to radiation and so only low dosages are given.

Chemotherapy: If the cancer has spread, besides radiation, a combined drug chemotherapy with a group of drugs is given, to improve the results. It docs not, however, bring about a cure


The younger the age, say 1 to 2 years, the better the chances of cure.

Early Detection

Signs & Symptoms

· Lump in the abdomen, or protrusion of an eyeball in a child.
· Diminished appetite.
· Loss of weight.


Biopsy examination of the involved part.

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