Stress Relief: Manage Stress by Managing Physical Health

As we get older, our body begins to show signs of wear and tear. Aches and pains become common. Health problems begin to crop up one by one. Most of our health problems come from two sources:

Excesses we indulge in: Overeating , smoking, excessive drinking, drug abuse and reckless sexual activity. Most people with these excesses come down with numerous physical illnesses as they get older. Many become disabled on account of heart disease, lung disease, liver and stomach disease, bone and joint disease, diabetes, and the like. These health problems take away our peace of mind, enjoyment and financial security

Not meeting the basic needs of the body : Adequate rest; proper food and liquids; timely meals; vitamins and minerals; regularity in bowel movements and urination; adequate exercise; daily showers or baths, and the like. Very often, people are too busy to meet these basic requirements of the body.

Here are some suggestions for keeping good health:

Eat in moderation. Eat on time. Don’t eat or drink anything between meals except water. Find time to eat your food in peace. Don’t have your breakfast or lunch while driving. Maintain your weight within normal range. Learn to listen to your stomach. When your stomach is filled with just the right amount of food it usually sends a signal: I am full. Stop eating. If you ignore the signal, you will soon gain weight. Let your stomach shrink gradually so it will fill up with smaller amounts.

Attend to body’s needs scrupulously. Get at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Go to bed on time and get up in the morning on time. If per chance you lose some sleep, catch up with it as soon as possible to avoid sleep debt. Avoid swing shift. Sleep debt often causes people to fall asleep while driving or performing delicate tasks. Avoid sleeping aids. If you are usually a good sleeper and you suddenly find yourself unable to sleep, ask yourself honestly: What am I worried about’ Then come up with a plan to tackle the problem. If you can not put your finger on it, start your favorite movie on the screen of your mind, focus on it intensely, and before you know you will be asleep.

Move your bowels everyday, preferably in the morning. Take enough fiber in your daily diet to assist you with bowel movement. Find time to empty your bladder at least twice during day time.

Take a hot shower daily, before you start your day. Use deodorizers to keep body odor to a minimum. Put on nice clothes before you go to work. Good clothes make people feel better about themselves.

Exercise in moderation at least three times a week. Go for a brisk walk with someone you are close to. Or just do some sit ups or push ups when you have some time between routine daily tasks.

Vitamins: If you believe that you might not be getting enough, vitamins and minerals in your daily diet, take a multivitamin tablet daily. If you are over the age of 50, consider taking a tablet of aspirin with your doctor’s permission. Keep your cholesterol within normal range.

Smoking , Drinking : If you are a smoker quit smoking . Smoking is the worst thing you can do to your body and your relationship with other. Drink alcohol in moderation. Taking a glass of wine before a meal might even be helpful to your heart if you have no drinking problem, or if you are not taking a nerve medication.

Regulate your life by having a predictable pattern of habits. You can greatly enhance your productivity by having set times for going to bed, getting up, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, moving bowels, etc.

A good night’s sleep; a good bowel movement; a good hot water shower; a good breakfast, lunch and dinner; good music; good friends; and good sex life are seven pleasures of life.

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