Neem Therapy: Medicinal Uses of Neem Leaves

The tender leaves are astringent, i.e. contractive of tissues and hence healing. They promote vata dosha and are useful in curing diseases of the blood (for eg. rakta pitta or plethora where a sudden and automatic outflow or haemorrlvige of the blood occurs, as far instance when the nose bleeds out suddenly), diseases of the eye and diseases of the skin. They are good in curing tastelessness or anorexia, and the effects of poison.

Leaves are beneficial to eye and cooling. The densely green and graceful foliage of neem, all around a sanitorium is a very welcome proposition. Because they purify the air all round, neem trees are often planted around many a T.B. Sanatorium. Leaf destroys worms and counteracts pitta dosha as well as poison. Crushed tender leaves of neem made into pellets are commonly given in South India to children as a sure remover of worms, specially to round worms.

Crush the mature leaves, stir in water vigorously, drink the foam with honey when there is a feverish heat at the chest. A vomit will ensue and a quick relief comes about

Because of its bitterness the leaves are definitely distasteful to anybody. It is interesting to note, however, that inspite of this great and proverbial bitterness, if young, tender leaves are fried in ghee and then eaten, even excessive tastelessness in any food that many patients suffer from or anorexia disappears almost immediately and they would simultaneously regain the capacity to relish food.

Neem is bitter in digestion also and as such it is light. It has been consequently seen to be having a harmful effect in semen production. A regular use of neem even for a few days is known to have an effect of reducing libido or the urge of sex. Sanyasis or recluses are known to take recourse to such a regular consumption of neem, as a routine. Old leaves are particularly effective in warding off ulcer formation.

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