Neem Therapy: Neem to Treat Diseases of the Head Region

Catarrh or Cold: The exact cause of this very common ailment of man is still a mystery though physicians generally agree that this may be a precursor of many other subsequent afflictions. It is therefore advisable to cure it early and not allow it to become chronic. A simple household remedyadvised is the following: take a tola of neem leaves and 6 mashas of black pepper.

Powder them together in a mortar with a pestle which is also prepared out of neem wood into a fine powder and make pills of the size of abrus seeds from this powder, dry them in shade and store well in a bottle. Administer three to four pills morning and evening in slightly warm water, whenever the occasion arises.

Head Ache: This is another very common ailment that needs to be relieved as early as possible. Take fresh, tender leaves of neem, grind them well on a cleaned grinding stone to extract their juice fully. Place a few drops of this juice in the nose or in other words, administer it as a nasal drop. The head ache is expected to disappear.

The Falling of Hairs: It often happens that there is excessive hair fall from the head or even if the hairs do not fall down like this, they do not grow well as before or as expected. Under all of these circumstances, one should bathe ones head in water boiled with neem leaves and wash. By such a simple remedy, the hair fall gets reduced and will also stop fully very-soon. The hairs regain their original black hue and start growing back with their prior vigour.

Incidentally this measure will also kill out all the lice of the head and is in addition a good procedure to maintain the health of the scalp.

Premature Greying of the Hair: Such a greying is often seen to be veiy common among the young boys who tend to become grey haired soon after they become adults.

The following measure is found to be useful in this condition. But a strict dietetic restriction or pathya is necessary here to secure the best effect. Take the fruits of neem in desired quantity and in accordance with the severity of greying and the age factor involved. Dip them in the juice of the leaves of bhangra for seven days. Dry them now and extract the oil. Smell a lev/ drops of this oil twice a day like snuff.

Greying is presumed to stop after the application for even a few days. One should avoid during these days those food stuffs that are promotive to greying. For instance, fatty foods such as curds and milk are to be avoided. Frequent application of neem oil over the head is wholesome for the health of the hair as well as the hairbase and the scalp. The hairs will not turn grey prematurely, infections of head lice and the like will be avoided and many ailments of the head can be prevented thereby such as itching, dandruff and fungal attack.

There are many procedures to prepare neem oil for this purpose of a hair tonic. A good hair tonic is made by grinding together the leaves of ber and neem in a proportion of two to one into a fine lump and applying the paste over the head in such a way that it should stay undisturbed for about six hours, for instance, over night.

Hairs will become dense and soft after a treatment in this manner for nearly a month.

Head Infection [fund in Hindi): Here, head sores occur at some places of the scalp and these are accompanied with an oozing out of an yellowish fluid. This fluid is so foul that it is almost repulsive and in addition will cause fresh sores whenever it falls on the other regions of the head. Soon the whole head becomes covered with such sores.

A remedial procedure here is: first wash the head with warm water boiled with neem leaves daily so that all the foulness disappears and the whole head becomes clean.

Then sprinkle neem oil over the scalp and particularly the sores.

Dust the regions concerned finally with the ash of neem leaves.

Head Lice: This is a very common infection and needs a simple household remedy.

This is to continue to apply neem oil over the head at occasional intervals. Lice infection will not occur then and if it has already occurred it will disappear soon.

Neem fruits ground in water can also be used to wash the head in this condition. This is a sure remedy for head lice.

By regular massaging of the body with neem oil one can totally avoid the development of ugly spots and minor skin afflictions anywhere.

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