Milk Therapy: Milk to Cure Chest, Lung, Digestive System and Liver Complaints

Chest and Lung Disease

Blood during coughing : When blood comes out during coughing but not from the lungs, drinking sheep’s milk daily and to the extent of his desire will prove beneficial to the patient.

Cough due to heat: Fresh milk from the goat as it comes from the udder (dharoshna, hot from the udder) is to be drunk, mixing sugarcandy with it.

Camel’s fresh milk is also beneficial in cough.

Hiccup: Snuffing breast’s milk would stop this effectively.

Asthamatic attacks : When an asthmatic bout attacks a patient his condition becomes highly distressing and pitiable. An effective remedy to secure immediate relief and stop the bout is as follows: Take 10 munakka or the large black grapes, remove their seeds, bruise them well and place them in 10 tolas of cow’s milk to which an equal quantity of water has been added. Boil this mixture till only milk remains and the water is fully evaporated. Strain, add 6 mashas of almond and 1 tola of sugarcandy plus 5 grains of black pepper. Give this as a drink, the bout will stop immediately. The milk should be drunk hot.

Pleurisy and pneumonia : Fomentation with raw milk decreases the violence of fever to a large extent and the attendant distresses also would be largely lessened. This also has a curative effect to some extent. Such a fomentation is to be carried out three to four times a day and continued for days together, even upto a fortnight. Some cases have been seen that have responded well to this treatment when they had failed earlier to other useful methods of treatment.

Diseases of the Digestive System

Vomiting : Fomentation with milk with stop vomiting excellently. Cold milk drunk sip by sip would also be effective here.

Loss of hunger : All types of milk bring about a loss of hunger. But camel’s milk alone is promotive of hunger.

Painful swellings in the stomach : This is often followed with vomitings. To give fomentation with milk in these cases proves extremely beneficial. For about 24 hours the patient should not be given any food apart from milk. This is to be then followed with rice and milk and then khiichadi and then only chapatis or rotis and such an increase in heavy food is to be adopted only gradually. This affliction gets cured only with difficulty. Fomentation with milk definitely gives a relief.

Dysentery : Take 1/2 a ser of boiled and cooled cow’s milk. Take a big piece of iron, make it red hot and immediately place it in the milk and extinguish. When this becomes cold, heat it again as before and dip in the same milk. Do so for 7-8 times. Add sugarcandy and give this milk for drinking. This will stop purging. Or, instead of an iron piece, a fragment of an earthen pot can also be employed similarly. Yet another method is to place a few pieces of broken earthen pot in a vessel. Pour half a ser of milk on it, boil, cool, add sugar candy and administer.

Intestinal mal-absorption (samgrahan) : This is a terrible affliction when there is a defective absorption of food at the intestines. It is difficult to be cured. Milk is an efficient curative to this disease but the difficulty is that it is hard to digest and the patient of samgrahani is particularly already inefficient here. The patient should be made to sustain himself on a diet of milk alone, though giving special digestives for milk become a simultaneous necessity. When mal-absorption becomes chronic it becomes indispensable that the patient should strictly adhere himself to taking milk alone. For this purpose curds also constitute a beneficial diet like the milk.

Diseases of heat : The following recipe is a simple but effective remedy for many types of afflictions including those of heat. They are: throbbing heart, prameha or urinary distress, restlessness of acute type and terrific palpitations of the heart. The recipe is so simple that one is likely to distrust its value which is just undoubtable. This is to take half a ser of goat’s milk or cow’s milk, place it in a fresh earthen pot, tie at its throat by means of a rope and hang it overnight exposed to moonlight. The patient should drink 3 tolas of this milk with sugar candy, moving it about 3-4 times in the mouth. Within a few days the patient becomes free from the affliction almost miraculously.

Liver Complaints

Pains at the livei : This generally comes in a violent way. There will be a nausea or a bout of vomiting or even hiccup. The distress becomes almost unbearable. To treat this, give a fomentation with milk at the region of the liver. Quite often the complaints will disappear after just a few fomentations.

Enlargement of liver : This is also difficult to be cured. The very colour of the face changes and a pain is felt at the region of the liver. Breathing becomes difficult and the patient gets violent attacks of fever. The patient cannot turn on the left side while sleeping. Eyes will become yellow. In such a condition give a fomentation with raw milk four times a day, not less than one and half an hour of duration every time. Within a few days the patient is sure to get relief.

Udavarta or retention of urine, faeces and flatus. Here a weakness in the liver arises first and then a swelling in the legs, the belly and the face. A measure of therapy for this patient is to give only camel’s milk whenever he feels hungry. If such an amount cannot be tolerated, it should be given at least four times a day. Within two to three weeks the patient is bound to get relief. Feeding the camel from which the milk is given with the leaves of peeped, babul and such other suitable leaves during this period will render the milk more effective. Fresh milk alone from the camel is to be given. This is not very difficult for a camel can be milked any time like the goat.

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