Juice Therapy: Recommended Juices for Treating Tumors, Debility and Weakness, Stress, Warmth-lack of and Intestinal Worms


Tumors generally surface in brain, uterus, bones, liver or and for that matter, in any body-organ. Tumors may be benign or malignant. All tumours are not necessarily of cancerous origin. Some tumors are painful, and poisonous liquid matters flow therefrom which spread to other healthy organs of the body. Benign tumors do not grow, nor is there any pain in them, they remain stale and do not change shape or style or spread over or invade other tissues and organs.

It has been pointed out, by experts, that degenerative disorders like arthritis, cancer, heart ailments are caused by imbalance in the chemistry of body and cell metabolism. As a first step, entire body must be detoxified, by purging out all the poisonous elements of the body. There is no use taking to any sort of treatment, unless the body has been fully detoxified. Take juice of garlic, orange, onion, carrot, lime and beet to get desired results. Juice intake should be continued for a fairly long period, or at least up to the time of recovery. Even after one has recovered fully, juice therapy, as suggested should be continued, though in tapered quantity and contents.

Debility and Weakness:

We have already mentioned, though indirectily under weakness, at many a place in this book. Weakness, debility, low vitality, loss of vigour, strength are in fact, synonyms of a run-down condition of the body. Grape, lemon orange, apple, beet, lime, carrot, spinach, rather almost all green and leafy vegetables will produce fresh and healthy blood in the body. Always try to take fully balanced, nutritive diet, either in raw, cooked, juice form. Avoid food items which disagree or are harmful or likely to be harmful.


Stress means strain which can be caused by social, emotional, psychic, physical, professional, family problems. It is said that stress syndrome and disorders cause fight or flight’ hormones to invade the body. If stress and more so its causes, remain for a longer period, one may have low or decreased energy, lack of resistance to fight infections, in additions to hypertension, anorexia, digestive problems, haziness, impaired vision. Try to deduce and remove the basic factors which triggered off the disease, and try to make up for the lost nutrients.

One must leant and also carve out a way out to wage a war against stress factors by adhering to relaxation methods which may include some yogic exercises, meditation, self-control and self-descipline, apart from suitable therapy, sound sleep, breathing exercises, moderate physical exercises, change of profession, place and environs. These are some of the possible methods, by which stress can be relieved. Inculcate habit of hobbies, games and outings, change of food, laughing away your problems, by taking turn in events in your natural and normal stride.

Take fibre-enriched diet which decreases rise of cholesterol level, thereby reducing blood pressure also; sugar causes depletion in R.B.Cs and chrominium and, thus, exerts stress on body’s immuno system. Garlic, ginger and cantaloupe are blood thinners. Thickened stale blood, due to stress factor, renders heart exposed to attacks and other complications. Alcohol, lea, coffee, drugs, caffeine are harmful, even though may seem to give some instant relief. Self-management and control of stress has to be tailored by the patient himself.

Chromium, Zinc, Vitamin ‘C, Acid Pantothenic, Potassium are lost during stress-invasion; hence they all should be replenished by support diet. Juice of lime, orange, carrot, water, beet will restore physical energy and also help to relieve stress state. Use of fresh sugar-cane (not to be used by diabetics) should be taken to gain instant replenishment of lost energy. Fruit juice therapy merely supplements self-management techniques and, as such, should be treated as a secondary device only.

Warmth-lack of:

Due to intense weakness, sudden exposure to cold, snow-fall, any sudden emotional upset, sudden loss of some relative of friend may cause, in winter or otherwise, low state of vital, force in the body may result in. To warm up the body, take grapes juice, sugar cane juice with milk, dates boiled in milk. Lack of warmth should not be confused with any collapse stage or hypoglycaemia or low-grade pyrexia (fever).

Worms (in intestines):

As already mentioned, worms will hatch only in filth, garbage and unhygienic states. Where there is fifth in the body, presence of worms is no surprise, So, try to keep your system free from infective diseases which leave enough room for worms to hatch. Black pepper and salt should be sprinkled on green or raw tomatoes which should be taken, on empty stomach, in the morning or else take raw juice of margosa or bitter-gourd to cause prevention and expulsion of worms.

These juices are both preventive and curative, in addition to use of lime-juice and chiraila, mixed in freshly boiled water. Kamila, mixed with curd or taken with whey, also expels intestinal wonns. Citrus elements present in the fruits, as also bitter element in vegetables and certain herbs, help in expulsion of intestinal worms. We repeat that, all juices of herbs, fruits and vegetable will prove futile, if preventive steps, to prevent recurrence of presence and hatching of worms, are not taken. Cutting of nails, abstention from use of exposed eatables and use of meat are other measures which can help in arresting the complaint.

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