Pranic Healing: Mantra to Re-Illuminate

“What in me is dark – Illumine,
What is low-raise and support”
John Milton

Become a Lamp first, to yourself and then to all others. The mantra, “You-Re Illuminate” helps us to achieve this speedily, provided we also simultaneously lead a life of Satyam (Truth), Shivam (godliness) and Sunderam (Beauty). Once we attain this self illumination, we can radiate the effulgence of beauty and bliss all around, and “A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever,” as said by the poet Keats.

In our youth, our youthfulness radiates and a poet has gone so far as to say that-O, Youthful, lady, inspite of the fact that you are blind as well as deaf, but still you look so beautiful, because of your radiating youth. This is what a punjabi poet sings thus:-

“Vah Jwani, VahJwani; Tere Jain Nhien Dekhi Akhooh Anhee, Kannoon Bohli Phir Sohni, Di, Sohni”.

But, with advancing age, this youthful radiance slowly loses its lustre, but we can regain it, if we re-establish our link with the God Almighty, by drawing in the pranic life force abundantly and thus get rejuvenated. For this.

1. Exhale with = YOU-RE-ILLUMINATE
Inhale with = ALLARAYA – NAMMANT.

This breathing Mantra gives resonant sonic energy to Muladhara Chakra and the legs by (L), to Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus/Navel chakra) with its seed word ‘R’, to Heart chakra with *Y\ and all the brain psychic centres with the words N,M,T and ultimately yokes us with the Super consciousness with N in the inhale mantra, to draw in all the pranic energy which we can possibly absorb, thus helping us to kindle the divine Kundalini life force with the resonant sonic power of word ‘L’ to radiate the sparkle of bliss, combined with neutral mantra MAN.

This breathing mantra is a six stage inhale/ exhale mantra to rejuvenate the total body/mind system by imparting it the pranic life energy. If we continue to inhale/exhale with the above mantra, slowly, smoothly, rhythmically and inwardly to simulate the natural breathing as nearly as possible for a few months, both morning and evening for about ten minutes each, then one begins to see first a blue diamond glow in between the two eyebrows, before we see the full splendour of superconsciousness. Thus, we can illuminate ourself and then all others.

And now I shall give the seed mantra:

2. Exhale with = HEY! YOU RE-ILLUMINATE

This mantra in addition stimulates the Vishudha chakra with its seed word ‘H’ to strengthen thyroid gland and to help re-establish communication between the body and the brain. This is a seven stage breathing mantra which can bring about Enlightenment and make us an Esteemed Self.

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