Modern Medicine: Guidelines On Admistration, Safety Storage Etc for Drugs

Use of Medicines and approaching the doctor

1. Always use a drug as prescribed by the doctor

2. Always inform the doctor about the treatment you had taken, so far, and do not hide / conceal material facts from him

3. Disclose about allergies to various foods, drugs, pollons. chemicals, seasonal changes and resultant fall out symptom.

4. Inform him if you are pregnant, breast-feeding the baby, have some Venereal disease, T-B, asthma, skin sensitivity, previous history of any psychi/mental upset

5. Tell about your food habits, how you sperd your hours, nature of job

6. Most of the tablets/litrerture/prescriptions clearly indicate warnings and precautions. Read all those Carefully and abide by the same.

7. Immediately report reactions noted, after using any medicine, like skin rashes, eruptions, Vomiting, Nausea, loss/excess of appetite, acidity, flatulence, pain, swelling/puffing, difficulty in breathing, rise/fall in temperature etc

8. Check medicines thoroughly before use, see the expiry date, dosage recommended, and person’s age groups, sex for whom their use is forbidden

9. If colour and size of medicines changes, consult the Chemist.

10. Never exceed the advised dose nor change dosage and frequency of your own, nor even add or drop any medicine without medical advice.

Proper- Storage of Medicines

Generally room temperature is Considered to be quite safe for storing medicines but some medicines are to be kept in the refrigerator or at a specific temperature, hence observe and follow the guidelines.

1. Keep medicines in dry and cool place fully protected from direct sunrays, smoke, moisture or external weather conditions.
2. Keep all medicines away from reach of the children.
3. Even if the symptoms are identical, never share medicine of any family member/friend.
4. Do not heed to unsolicited and voluntary suggestions of any person.
5. Do not keep on storing medicines unnecessarily nor even outdated and expired medicines
6. Do not store medicines in kitchen bathrooms nor the stove. Cylinder, gas Oil, refrigerator or excessive heat, cold

General Hints

1. Except when specifically mentioned, tablets should be taken with tepid water only and also do not mix tablets, water or any other drink
2. Never take any medicine with drinks (whisky, Gin, Rum, Beer etc).
3. Medicines shouldn’t generally be taken on empty stomach, except where clearly indicated.
4. Do not mix up medicines with any other vehicles nor change the schedule.
5. No medicines should be taken with meals unless instructed by a doctor.
6. If you have forgotten to take a dose never add the missed dose with a subsequent dose.

How to administer eye drops, apply eye-ointments, Nasal sprays and Nasal drops, oral inhalers, skin products, Rectal products, Vaginal suppositories & creams

To begun with, always wash your hands before using any local application and dry them thoroughly and also make sure your nails are fully clipped and erased. If you have any type of infection; seek help from someone else.

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