Modern Medicine: Treatment for Cirrhosis of Liver

It is also called interstitial hepatitis, Nutmeg liver selerosis of liver. This is generally a chronic condition of the liver when there is an increase in the connective tissue but decrease in its size, alongwith degeneration of the parenchyma.

Causes : Alcohol is the chief causative factor. Next cause is carrying away of irritants to the liver by the blood vessels or by way of the capsule. Drugs like Arsenic; Quinine, Phosphorus, improperly prepared food, food poisoning, infectious diseases, syphilis, and obstruction of the bile ducts.


Anorexia (loss of appetite)
Nausea, witlVwithout vomiting
Bad taste and belching
Pressure in epigastrium
Tenderness in region of liver
Hepatic colic
Occasional full red tongue
Jaundice of skin
Occasional constipation
Enl argement of 1 i ver
Skin looks dirty, of muddy colour
Bleeding from gastro-intestinal passage
Oedema about / beneath the eyes, about genitals, legs and feet.
Urine is high-coloured, heavily loaded with urea, with some amount of bile, but albumin and casts may also appear in the urine when kidneys are also involved.
Temperature is usually normal or below normal but, in some cases, may elevate to 101 degree F, or slightly higher (though quite rarely)

Alcoholism/Syphilis are considered to be the precipitator} factors. As a rule cirrhosis of liver is almost incurable but further damage might be halted if diagnosed and treated at the initial stage. With proper dietary regimen, safeguards, and by giving up alcohol totally, may prove productive, or at least arrest further progress of the malady.

Treatment: The disease must always be treated by a qualified doctor, either at some hospital or at home, but always by a doctor and never a layman. Do not attempt any home remedies, as they simply further complicate the problem.

Auxiliary Measures : Eliminate alcohol, liquors, quinine, indigestible foods, spices, condiments and fats, milk products (except curd/whey of toned milk). Try to keep functionability of all the eliminating/excretory organs. Maintain high standard of personal hygiene and the patient be advised to take rest-in-bed, but must not lead a totally sedentary life-let him have stroll, in the morning and evening, attend to personal needs (if he can), visit the closet/bathroom.

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