Modern Medicine: Treatment for Emphysema

It simply means air in the tissues which manifests its appearance after attacks of asthma, whooping cough and bronchitis. Particular class of persons are its victims who have to fill their lungs up with air; for instance flute, sexophone, clarinet, trombone and other musical instrument(s) users, goldsmiths, people working in glass factories etc. The patient has to inhale and exhale in a quick succession (alternatively) when lungs and air apparatus have no rest or relaxation.

In order to keep respiration normal it is necessary that auxilliary steps, as detailed hereunder, should be practised as a matter of habit and made a routine practice. It will not only energise and normalise your breathing process but also keep you away from most of the respiratory diseases

1. While cleans!ng your teeth and mouth, blow out your nose (not vigorously or forcefully) so as to expel trapped (hard) mucus from the nose.

2. Do Pranayarra daily so as to expand you chest and lungs by inhaling siline mixed tepid or lukewarm water. You can use even a dropper to insert this water into each nostril.

3. Perform deep breathing exercises daily on an empty stomach in the morning (before sunrise) and evening.
4. Visit some pollution-free spot where there is plenty of fresh air, green grass, morning dews and walk bare footed on the dew-enriched grassy land (but not in winter or rainy seasons when feet, chest and head should be
fully covered and protected from cold winds and moisture.

5. Never take your meals stomachful, nor eat every-now-and then, rather stick to a fixed schedule as far as possible and convenient.

6. Do not perform any type of physical activity where there is . even a remote chance of developing short breath, fatigue, panting (dyspnoea) or pain in the chest.

7. Immerse both feet in cold/tepid/luke-warm water, depending on weather condition, to get rid of fatigue

8. Take your dinner at least 1 1/2 hours prior to the time of returning to bed.

9. Do not si eep in a room where fresh air cannot gain entry. Proper ventilation is a pre requisite to dispel respiratory disorders

10. Do not drink or eat anything cold after taking any hot food item. It is equally true in the reverse direction also.

11. Do not wear too light/too loose clothes, as both arc uncomfortable and impede normal respiration

12. Avoid smoking, use of tabacco in any other form also, and do not smoke while in a hurry, while walking, lying down in the hed, after taking meals or while working. Remember, smoking is one of the precipitatory causes of cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonstilitis etc.

13. Avoid fried and heavily condimented foods; strong, pungent and irritating recipes.

Most of the suggestions can be easily implemented but to a few persons some suggestions may not fit their slot, hence try to adopt what suits you best and is also easily manageable, as anything done under Compulsion cannot be carried on for a longer period.

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