Chromotherapy: Treatment for Mental Illness, Fistula, Weakness, Hiccups and Uprooting of Nails

1. Mental Illness

Mental illness is any disease of the mind that affects a person’s thoughts, feelings or behaviour. Most people have periods of sadness, anger and fear. In this ailment for the first week take only green water many times according to thirst. In the second week take 100-200ml of an equal mixture of blue and green water. In the third week one should take the massage of 5-6 drops of sun-charged blue coconut oil on the scalp slowly using the lower part of the palm for 5-10 minutes. Massage it on the forehead and temple also.

Take sunlight through blue cellophane paper at least twice a day for 10-15 minutes. At night the walls of the bed room should be blue, the bulb should also be blue, the bed sheet should be blue. Taking this cure regularly for six months will completely cure the patient and make him normal.

2. Weakness

For weakness drink green water in the morning on an empty stomach. Take 100-200 ml of a mixture of 3 parts of green water and 2 parts of white water thrice a day on an empty stomach 20-25 minutes before meals and drink orange water 10 minutes after meals thrice a day. This will provide strength.

3. Hiccups

On getting hiccups take out the tongue from your mouth and keep it stretched for some time. Suck 10-15 sun-charged red mishri thrice a day and massage sun-charged red oil of sesame seed on the hands and neck and drink up to 80ml of the mixture of three parts of orange water and one part of white water.

4. Swelling due to Serious Wound

Apply sun-charged red oil of sesame seed on the swelling and give sunlight through red cellophane paper. Rubbing or massaging sun-charged blue coconut oil on the swelling is beneficial.

5. Uprooting of Nails

Applying sun-charged blue coconut oil on the wound caused will immediately stop the bleeding and its regular application for a few days will cure the wound and the nail will also start growing.

6. Fistula

To cure fistula drink 10()-200ml of the mixture of three parts of green water and one part of white water. On the second day there will be fever and acute pain. For acute pain drinking excess of green water 3-4 times a day will make the fistula burst and the pus will come out. After the fistula has burst sun-charged blue coconut oil should be applied on it. Take more of fruits, and green vegetables. Avoid spicy foods. Eat as less as possible so that the stomach is not full. The food taken be easily digestible. For beneficial results drink 40-80ml of orange water after meals.

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