Massage Therapy: Locating the Tsubos in Shiatsu

Practising Shiatsu involves learning to locate precise points on the body, along the meridians or energy channels, and pressing them correctly, for the prescribed number of seconds. The duration and strength of pressure vary according to each tsubo’s properties. The points are described below in abbreviated form; their names define, which meridian they are on. Most of the meridians are bilateral and therefore, involve pressing ‘tsubos’ on both sides of the body, legs, arms and so on.

Face and Head Tsubos

In Do : The In Do ‘tsubo’ is located between the eyebrows of the Governing Vessel meridian.
Pressure technique : Press hard and inward for 7-10 seconds, 3 times, using both thumbs.
Tai Yo : This tsubo is placed at one finger’s width to the side of the eyebrow, between the end of the eyebrow and the outer edge of the eye.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 7-10 seconds.
St 3 : The St 3 is located lateral to the base of the nose, on a line directly below the pupils, when looking straight ahead.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb, hard and inward, for 5-7 seconds.
GB 20 : To find this ‘tsubo’ look one inch above the hairline, on the side of the big muscle in the neck.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 7-10 seconds, 3 times.
GV 20 : This tsubo is placed in the middle of the line connecting the upper edge of the two ears (via the crown), at the centre of the head.
Pressure technique : Press hard and downwards for 10-15 seconds with both thumbs. Front of the Body Tsubos
Lu 1 : It is located on the point between the 1st and 2nd ribs, 1 inch below the middle of the clavicle.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 7-10 seconds.
St 25 : This pair of tsubos is placed two inches to either side of the navel.
Pressure technique: Press inward, deeply and gradually, using one thumb or the palm of your hand.
CV 3 : CV 3 is located on the midline of the abdomen, 4 inches below the navel.
Pressure technique : Press inward and gradually with the palm of the hand.
CV 6 : It is located on the midline of the abdomen, 1 1/2 inches below the navel.
Pressure technique : Press inward and gradually with the palm of the hand for 10-15 seconds.
St 34 : This ‘tsubo’ is situated in the muscles that run along the outside of the thigh, 2 inches up from the kneecap.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 7-10 seconds.
Sp 10 : It is placed two inches above the kneecap, at the bulge of the muscle.
Pressure technique : Press hard and inward with one thumb for 5-7 seconds.

Side of Body Tsubos

LI 4 : This ‘tsubo’ is located midway between the two bones of the thumb and index finger in the most fleshy part.
Pressure technique : Press hard with one thumb for 7-10 seconds.
LI 11 : To find this ‘tsubo’ bend the receiver’s elbow at 90°; this point is at the end of the crease on the outside of the arm.
Pressure technique : Press hard with one thumb for 10-15 seconds.
B 36 : It is located at the midpoint of the fold of the buttocks, over the thigh bone.
Pressure technique : Press for 10-15 seconds, 3 times, using one thumb.
B 57 : It is situated at the beginning of the bulge of the calf muscle (when the calf is tensed).
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb, while the receiver lies on his or her stomach.
B 60 : This ‘tsubo’ is placed on the ankle, midway between the Achilles tendon and the top of the ankle bone.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 7-10 seconds, 3 times.
GB 31 : To locate (but not to treat) this point, receiver should stand up, arms at the sides, with the hands touching the thighs. The GB 31 is to be found on the leg, just below the spot where the tip of the middle finger rests.
Pressure technique : Press gradually and inward for 10-15 seconds, using both thumbs.
St 36 : To find this point, hold the kneecap on either side between index finger and thumb. Place your middle finger on the outside of the shinbone. The tip will rest on St 36.
Pressure technique : Use both thumbs and press for 7-10 seconds.
Sp 6 : To find this point, flex the receiver’s foot and put his or her 4 fingers on the inside of the leg, with the little finger resting on top of the ankle bone. The Sp 6 is behind the shinbone at the 4th finger.
Pressure technique : Using both thumbs, press for 7-10 seconds. (Caution : Do not press Spleen 6 during pregnancy)
Liv 4 : This ‘tsubo’ lies halfway between the front edge of the ankle bone and the top of the foot. Pressure technique : Use one thumb, press for 7-10 seconds, 3 times.
K 1 : This ‘tsubo’ is located on the sole of the foot, a third of the distance from the tip of the middle toe to the heel, between the 2nd and 3rd toe joints.
Pressure technique : Press hard and inward, using both thumbs, for 10-15 seconds.
K 3 : The K3 is placed on the outside of the ankle bone, half way between the Achilles tendon and the tip of the ankle bone.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 7-10 seconds.

Back of the Body Tsubos

GB 21 : Draw an imaginary line straight upward from the nipple; the point at which it crosses the shoulder is GB 21.
Pressure technique : Press firmly but gradually and inward with one thumb for seconds.
It is located just below the 1st cervical vertebra at the side of the spine.
HT 7
Pressure technique : Use one thumb for 7-10 seconds, 3 times.
B 12 : This ‘tsubo’ is placed between the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae, Wi inches to the side of the spine.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 7-10 seconds, 3 times.
B 18 : It is located between the 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae, W2 inches to the side.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 5-7 seconds, 3 times.
B 21: The B 21 is placed between the 12th thoracic and 1st lumbar vertebrae, 1.1/2 inches to the side. Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 5-7 seconds, 3 times. B 22 : It is located between the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae, 1.1/2 inches to the side. Pressure technique : Use one thumb for 5-7 seconds, 3 times.
B 23 : This is located between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, 1.1/2 inches to the side. Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 5-7 seconds, 3 times. B 52 : The B 52 is situated between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae, 3 inches to the side. Pressure technique : Use one thumb for 7-10 seconds.
Ten Shi : Look for this ‘tsubo’ 3 inches from the hip bone, toward the buttocks.
Pressure technique : Press inward, with one thumb, 10-15 seconds, 3 times.
B 25 : This ‘tsubo’ is located between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, 1.1/2 inches to the side.
Pressure technique : Press hard and inward with one thumb for 5-7 seconds using one thumb, 3 times.
B 26 : It is located between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the pelvic bone, 1.1/2 inches to the side. Pressure technique : Press for 5-7 seconds using one thumb, 3 times.
B 27 : This ‘tsubo’ can be found in the first pair of hollows or ‘foramina’, in the sacrum, 1.1/2 inches to the side of the midline.
Pressure technique : Press for 5-7 seconds, 3 times, using one thumb.
B 28 : To find this ‘tsubo’, look in the second foramin in the sacrum, 1.1/2 inches to the side of the midline.
Pressure technique : Press for 5-7 seconds, 3 times, using one thumb.
B 32 : This ‘tsubo’ is located 3 inches to the side of the midline, level with B 28.
Pressure technique : Press for 5-7 seconds, 3 times, using one thumb.
B 37 : It is situated on the midline of the back of the thigh, 6 inches from the buttocks’ fold.
Pressure technique : Press hard, in, and up for 10-15 seconds, 3 times, using both thumbs.
B 40 : Look for this ‘tsubo’ on the back of the knee between the tendons on the fold, where the knee bends.
Pressure technique : Press with both thumbs, softly and in, for 7-10 seconds, 3 times.
B 47 : This ‘tsubo’ is located between the 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae, 3 inches to the side.
Pressure technique : Press with one thumb for 5-7 seconds, 3 times.

Shiatsu on the Face and Head

There are a large number of different exercises and techniques available to the practitioner. Here is a simple one that can be practised by you.

Hold the recipient’s head firmly in one hand and, using the thumb of the other hand, press upwards in a straight line between the eyebrows towards the hairline. Each movement should be quite small, about 0.5 inch (12 millimetres).

Place the fingers on each side of the head. Use the thumbs to press from the inner end of the eyebrows towards the hairline. Holding the hands at each side of the head, the thumbs should then be used to press from the start of the eyebrows across the brow to the outside.

With the fingers in place at each side of the face, work the thumbs across the bone below the eyes, moving approximately 0.25 inches (6 mm) at a time. Commencing with the thumbs a little to one side of each nostril, press across the face below the cheekbones.

Press one thumb in the area between the top lip and nose.

Press with both the thumbs outwards over the upper jaw. Next, press one thumb in the hollow below the lower lip and then press outwards with both thumbs over the lower part of the jaw. The practitioner then puts all fingers of the hands beneath the lower jaw and then leans backwards so that pressure is exerted.

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