Massage Therapy: Using Shiatsu for Common Ailments

Shiatsu can be practised to cure common ailments, quite effectively. Whether you practise Shiatsu on yourself or on others, you should always press the ‘tsubos’ in the order given below. In general, the pressure you apply should feel comfortable to the receiver; if there is a slight pain it will soon go.

If the receiver experiences sharp, strong or sudden pain, then stop pressing at once, since this may indicate internal problems. If any ailment persists for more than a few days, or if it returns at regular intervals, seek advice and treatment from a professional therapist.

(Note : The ‘tsubos’ to be treated are mentioned along with the ailment. For a guidance on pressure technique, look under the specific ‘tsubo’detail given earlier.)

Respiratory Problems

The common cold should not be left untreated or suppressed with drugs. To bring relief use the ‘tsubos’ -Lu 1; LI 4 and 11; St36; BlOand 12.
For sore throats, use the following ‘tsubos’ – Lul; LI 4.
For sinus congestion, press the ‘tsubos’ – LI 4; B20; St 3.

Diarrhoea, Indigestion

In cases of diarrhoea, the sufferer must drink plenty of liquids and keep the back and belly warm. For relief, use the following ‘tsubos’ – Ten Shi; St 34; St 36; KI.
For indigestion, press the ‘tsubos’ St 36, on each leg.


A high-fibre, diet and exercise, help to encourage the elimination of waste. To bring relief use the ‘tsubos’ – CV 6; St 25; St 36; LI 4 and 11; B 23, 25, 32.
Give gentle massage to the belly, clockwise, starting at the left side, to promote circulation and relaxing.
During pregnancy, use the ‘tsubos’ – B 23, 25, 32; LI 4; St 36. Stomach Cramps
Keep the lower back and belly warm. Rub the hara or belly gently in a clockwise direction especially around the navel. Use the ‘tsubos’ – St 25, 34; St 36; B 21, 22.


Constipation, over eating, and a diet rich in protein and dairy products can cause this complaint. For relief, use the ‘tsubos’ – CV 3, 6; GV 20; B 18, 23, 25, 26.
During pregnancy use the ‘tsubos’ – GV 20; B 18, 23, 25, 26, 28, 32. Insomnia
Make sure you get enough exercise during the day. Do some light stretching exercises and gently massage the soles of the feet before going to bed. Use the ‘tsubos’ – Tai-Yo, GV 20; B 25; K 1.

Backache and Sciatica

For backache or sciatica apply hot towels to the lower back to promote circulation. Give Shiatsu first to the side of the back that is not in pain, and then to the painful side.
To relieve back pain use the ‘tsubos’ -B 25, 26, 27, 28; B 36, 52, B 60; Ten Shi.
For backache during pregnancy, use ‘tsubos’ – Ten Shi; B 25, 26; Liv 4.
To relieve the pain of sciatica use the ‘tsubos’ – B23, 25, 26, 37, 40, 52; B 57, 60; GB 31; St 36; Ten Shi.

Shoulder Stiffness

Poor posture and also bad elimination can cause stiff shoulders. Taking more outdoor exercises, such as walking, can relieve the stagnation of energy and strengthen the hara. For relief, use the ‘tsubos’ – B 23, 25, 26; GB 20 and 21.

Leg Cramp

This can be due to lack of exercise, poor circulation or bad digestion. It may be necessary to adjust your diet and take regular exercise. Use the ‘tsubos’ – B 57; GB 31; St 36.


Stress, muscular tension, bad posture, inactivity or worry can cause headache. For relief use the tsubos – B10, 20; B 60; GB 20; GB 21; LI 4, 11; St 36; In Do, Tai Yo.
For headaches during pregnancy use the ‘tsubos’- B 10, 20; K3; In Do, Tai Yo. Menstrual Pain
It is important to take plenty of exercise, to relieve pelvic congestion, and to promote circulation in the general area of the pelvis. To bring relief use ‘tsubos’ – Sp 6; Sp 10; CV 6; K 1; B 23, 32.

Menopausal Problems

Women going through menopause can experience a variety of discomforting symptoms. Professional diagnosis is necessary, but you can help the body to normalise itself using the ‘tsubos’ – Sp 6; Sp 10; B 23, 47.

Morning Sickness

This is due to the hormonal changes and release of toxins, and it usually stops in the fourth month of pregnancy when the placenta is fully formed. Use the ‘tsubos’ – B 10, 20; GB 20.
(For backache, headaches, haemorrhoids, constipation during pregnancy refer to the relevant ailment).
{Caution : Do not give Shiatsu to anyone, who is extremely exhausted, or who has a high fever, a contagious skin disease, a slipped disc, broken bones, or to anyone who is taking cortisone).

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