Magnet Therapy: Therapeutic Purposes of Magnets

Magnetic Beads

These are tiny magnets which are taped over acupuncture points.

Magnetic Beds

There are several varieties of magnetic beds in vogue all over the world. They consist of magnets embedded in pads that one sleeps on. Designers have now added crystals, copper wire designs, mineral mixtures and other materials and devices to magnetic beds. Magnetic beds have made inroads all over the world, thanks to modern marketing techniques. Many ‘magnet’ millionaires and ‘magnet’ healthy people have since been born.

Block Magnets

These are fairly large with gauss strength of one thousand. They can be used for short periods.

Magnetic Bracelets

These have also caught on all over the world. They have been found to relieve stress and minor ailments like arthritis, nervous disorders and insomnia as well as improving the circulation and health of the muscular system. They are also easily available in department stores and by mail order.

Disc Magnets

Without holes in the centre, they are available in diameters of two inches and less. Flat discs are handy for treating minor aches and pains. They can be applied in pairs. One can be placed inside a garment and one outside to hold each other in place. They are very convenient and can even pass off for the latest in sartorial elegance.

Magnetic Foils

With alternating magnetic polarities, they are inexpensive, easy to apply to the body and effective in relieving pain.

Magnetic Garments

Magnets have now been added to a variety of garments. But the polarity and weight of the magnet should be considered. For example, bras should have the North Pole towards the body to discourage the growth of tumours.

When stitched to garments, there is a good chance that the polarity may get switched and that may not be beneficial. So extra care should be taken to stitch the magnet in the right direction with as much care as possible.

Magnetic Power Pads

They are quite powerful and useful for treating water, sweetening fruit and placing on different parts of the body.

Magnetic Necklaces

Like bracelets, necklaces have become major adornments. They have dual roles now, especially as they are marketed as healing tools. Magnetic necklaces were first reported to be used by a French physician in 400 AD. In those days they must have been heavy, bulky and crude and made out of lodestones. Now there are beautiful necklaces: lightweight, high-gauss necklaces from samarium-cobalt-iron alloys. Another attractive necklace is made from hematite, a shiny grey-black iron ore.

A necklace can be wrapped around the head to prevent a headache. It can be worn around a wrist, elbow, knee, foot or hand. It can even be placed over the eyes to give them a soothing magnetic rejuvenation. They are also good for stiff necks and sore shoulders.

They can be worn throughout the day and night except while bathing.

Magnetic Belts

The head belt can be worn or tied around the forehead for 15 to 30 minutes at a time or twice a day. It helps relieve headache, migraine and other problems.

The throat belt can be worn or tied around the neck for about 15 to 30 minutes at a time once or twice daily. It helps treat cough, tonsillitis and other similar complaints of the throat.

The blood pressure belt can be worn on the right wrist for those with high blood pressure and on the left wrist for those with low blood pressure. It can be worn for two to three hours a day.

The belly belt is specially designed for problems of the abdomen and the back. It helps in cases of colitis, hernia, prostrate problems and other similar conditions. It can be used twice a day for an hour or two at each sitting.

The knee belt can be tied to the affected knee for an hour or two once or twice everyday. It helps with muscular pains, swellings in the knee joints, arthritis and other problems. It is also easy and convenient to use. It can be tied on one knee and then the other knee. Two belts can also be used simultaneously on both knees.

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