Aromatherapy: Other Pleasantries

Like the perfume industry, which has diverged from the foundational principles of its ancestral beginnings, fragrance is often used throughout our lives without regard to the associations formulated by the ancient aromatherapy artisans. We look less toward the meanings of certain fragrances and less toward the associations ascribed to each scent by the old scientists and more toward pleasantry.

It often matters little whether a fragrance is directed toward love or peace or success, according to the old magickal formulas, but whether it makes our surroundings more appealing, our dwellings more pleasant, and our lives more palatable.

Many of the modern uses of fragrance are not grounded in the ancient practices, but only in individual appeal. These are diverse, and while they have little to do with the practice of aromatherapy, a formulary would seem less than complete without including these common uses of fragrance by modern society.

Mint Fragrance

peppermint! (MA)
spearmint (MA)

Spice Scent

galangal (MA)
vetivert (mi)
cinnamon! (T)
clove! (T)
rosemary! (T)

Wooded Fragrance

sandalwood (MA)
cypress (mi)
pine (mi)
oakmoss! (mi)
cedarwood (T)

Citrus Scent

orange! (MA)
lemon! (mi)
lime (mi)
bergamot! (T)

Floral Scent

jasmine (MA)
rose (mi)
ylang ylang (mi)
benzoin (mi)

A Kitchen Favorite

orange! (MA)
cinnamon! (T)
clove! (T)


There are many inexpensive potpourri pots available. These are often ceramic and include two compartments—one for the blend of herbs and flowers that comprise the potpourri, and the other for a candle to heat the mixture and disperse the fragrance into the air.

The formulae included above reflect an innovation of the common use of potpourri to scent the home. Although there are many commercially available potpourri mixtures, it is also possible to customize the potpourri to individual taste. This is done by adding a few drops of an oil blend to a base of dried flowers. When set into the potpourri cooker, the oil blend will become the dominant fragrance.

Mist Sprays

There are other uses for this application in the realms of therapeutic and magickal aromatherapy. However, the spray mist may be used simply to introduce a pleasant aroma into the home or office. The preparation is produced by adding 100-125 drops of a favored blend to 4 or 5 ounces of water and placing it in a spray bottle.

Upholstery and Carpet Fresheners

Another household pleasantry that may be concocted from the same delightful oil blends is prepared in powder form. This is done by adding 90-120 drops of an oil blend to about 1/2 cup of baking soda. Mix the oil well into the powder. Sprinkle the powder on the carpet or furniture fabric. After 15-20 minutes, vacuum the treated area.

Scented Candles

Even those who are not graced with the skill of the candlemaker’s trade can produce scented candles for use in the home. One way is to borrow a technique from the books of the old magicians, and anoint the candle with a desired scented oil blend. Another is to interject the scent into the candle. To do this, simply heat a metal ice pick or meat skewer, and melt a hole in the candle. Then place the oil blend in the hole. As the candle burns, the oil will be dispersed into the air, beautifully scenting the home.

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